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 Metting the newbies

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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
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PostSubject: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 7:12 pm

Theo leaned aginst against a cabin looking out at the camp from the shade. Scowling at what he saw, a camp on a path of self-distuction that he could no longer call home. While he had been away evreything has changed for the bad. Now you needed to fear your fellow camper more then the monsters that stalked the woods. Chiron one of the only immortals Theo didn't disspise had left. Even he couldn't take these people!!! Theo looked at the campers, he saw Ares kids beating up little newbies. He saw Hermes kids stealing from newbies ect.. ect.. Theo sighed, "I can no longer call this place home." As he said this he was brought back to realite by a voice from behind him.

((Sorry it's sucks and took forever I had to pack for the vaction. SORRY!))
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

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PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 8:17 pm

Elizabeth walked out of her cabin scouling at the kids beating up that poor unclaimed kid. With her usual filled to the top water bottle in her hand she went to go dump some on there heads. "HANNAH, what are you doing you don't evenlike fighting." She poored more water on there heads "go away you nimcunpoops we fight and attack monsters not Half Blood that are unclaimed, and HAVE ONE OR TWO RAIDS A WEEK." Elizabeth screamed at the kids who were raiding without the whole cabin. She saw some teen that was leaning against a cabin and walked tords him. "Hey, I'm Elizabeth daughter of Ares Ihave seen a ton of people here but I haven't seen you so who ae you.

Elizabeth poored the last bit of water that she had on her head. "I'll be right back." Elizabeth ran into her cabin grabbed another water bottle and ran back out. "So I repeat who are you." She smiled at him in a hi nice to meet you way.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 8:33 pm

Theo couldn'thelp but laugh alittle. That was someone who he could be friends with, an Ares kid who stuck up for unclaimed. If that could happen anything could. He smiled watching her dump the water onto her sisters head and telling her to beat it for the most part. He pushed a button on his I-pod and Highway to hell by AC/DC started playing. Knowing the lyrics as well as he did he started mouthing the words to the song. He didn't sing, that was somethinghe didn't feel right doing infront of people. He closed his eyes and wondered how they had explained to the school how Dean had dissapered the last five weeks. He shrugged his dad was a smart man he would have come up with something. He thought of his first three years at camp when he had been seven. Back then he had been happyer, kinder, and overall a nicer person than the person he was today. He wasn't mean to his friends, it were just people he didn't know, hated or deamed 'narrsiasitic punks'. That and he had a grat dissliking of newbies.

That was when the girl had come up to him and started talking. He paused his headset around his neck and said, "I'm Theo, nice to meet you." Than he noticibly flinched, "sorry the use of tittles annoy me so. But as the newbies say it.... I am unclaimed." He bitterly muttered, "and have been for the last eight years." When Elizabeth bame back he said, "but i'm Theo Ashford." Theo looked to see he was wearing his American soccor jersey, He was wearing an american #10 Landon Donaven. The vice captain for the America soccor team. With blue jean shorts and his camp bead neckless. He had three beads on it, one for each year he had been at camp. He came when he had been seven, than left after two years. He had returned to camp... or what was called camp after almost five years. "How long have you been at camp?"
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

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PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 8:54 pm

"One summer not much but I'm getting started. I don't like putting titles on me too I just like people to know that I am an Ares kids and I'm not a total jurk I just raid with my cabin some without my cabin some for revenge and some wih a girl who is from the same cabin." Elizabeth knew she was talking to fast and she didn't know why so she drank some water to stop her babulling. She smiled again and spoke now that her voice was under controll. "How long have you been her" she looked at his necules "never mind."

Elizabeth thought this teen was anoyed with her for coming over and talking to him because he looked all relaxed with his head phones in.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 9:07 pm

Theo nodded, "cool, also tittles don't matter." He smiled, "I've only just met you and I can tell your not a jerk, and when the day is done it won't matter if your an Ares kid. So you raid cabins, so do evreyone else. That fact alone doesn't say who you are all together." He smiled as she started to babble a bit. "I've been at camp for three years, Icame here around my seventh birthday and left when I was nine. I've only just returned." He hoped she would put together.... trained for eight years and still unclaimed. He smiled at her, for some reason Theo got along better with little kids vs. older. It was just little kids were nice and all around better people than kids his age. His head set around his neck was still on pause. "So how has your experience been at camp been so far?"

((Sorry it sucks i'm typing like 10000000 rps at once.))
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
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PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 9:34 pm

((its ok i know how you feel))

"I don't know if anyone else does it but its a heck of a time and some times I just wait for them to come back so I can see their faces." Elizabeth sat down and got back up. "It's fine I've met like 17 people and only one was a total jurk." She smiled and laughed in her head for no aparent resone. "How do you like all the changes, well I am asuming that there are some changes since you left for a bit."

Elizabeth took out her water bottle and dumped some more on her head. "Sorry if I splash you I just like having my hair wet." She smiled again. She thought he should know that she was a smiling person but he probably already knew that. "So what brought you back here I mean you probably left for a resone." Then Elizabeth felt the erge to raid that she felt often. "Hey wanna raid a cabin with me tonight?"
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 29
Location : I'm not a GPS

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PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 9:47 pm

((Gah I type this RP but put Dean evreywhere!!!!))
Theo sighed and his sholders sagged, "this place is horrid." He thought about somehting random... he talked rather different from the rest. Well that was probally cause he wasn't a tobit retard like 90% of this camp. "Now... now this camp is worse than the 'real' world. Here you need to FEAR your fellow camper more than the monsters that not stalk the woods thanks to some campers who thougth they could take the monster on. No doubtedly dying or running like a litte girl -no offence- in the procese. Now Chiron -the one immortal I don't hate- has left. Even he couldn't take these people" -he waved a hand indicating most of the campers- "I HATE this place!" Theo clamed himself down, "sorry for the life story. I do notmean to annoy.bug you with the tale."

He than listened to her. "No it is quite al right, I rather like being spalshed with water on a hot day such as this." His smile faded, "my father and I were attacked. My real mortal father. The thing was the likes of nothing i've seen. After a week in the hosipitle I ran away, I would rahter lose this life than put my father in danger. He is the only REAL faimly I have." Theo looked at her and hhis saddness fomr the memmroy was blasted away, "ya. I would also suggest hitting the Aphro cabin, there is almost no one there and the jewles thay have are both a billion dracmas!"
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
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PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 11:51 am

"None taken my father used to call me a tween because he said I was in the middle of a teen and a kid. I would strike there to but I have only done the Hermes cabin, my bro said we were going to raid it, I was only in so I could raid. I'll be right back." Elizabeth ran to her cabin got another water bottle and offered it to him. "You said you liked being wet." She srugged and then laughed in her head.

"But I am sorry about your father, my father died in combat he told me me to go so I left I didn't want to but I didn't have a choce there wasn't anything I could do to help him." She poored some more water on her head. Her hair dried really fast and she didn't know why.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
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PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 12:16 pm

Theo took the water bottle and drank it, than procded to pour half the bottle of watter onto his head. "Thanks." He looked up to the sky, "hey what kind of music do you like?" He hated rap and country those both were just stupid. Theo than frowned, mos half-bloods lives were tragic. He was lucky enough to not have such a horrible past..... just it was really bad. "Hey your dad is in a better place. THe underwolrd isn't all skulls and stuff everywhere. It's accutally a pretty cool place.... unless your evil than it's a whole 'nother story there. Theo's line of sight caught a look of Jake, a Hermes kid. Smiling he said, "i'll be right back." He walked over to him and after a few minutes of talking Theo came back with a pocket full of chocolate bars. He threw one to Elizabeth, "here curtosiey of Jake." Theo said he would clean up Jakes bunk and stuff for a wek if he could have someone his chocolate bars.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

Metting the newbies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 1:08 pm

Alex walked out of the Ares cabin. His sister and a boy were talking he desided to go over then saw a Ares kid giving a 9 year old a wedgie. "Yo you better stop" Alex said clenching his fist. The Ares kid ran away. He picked up the 9 year old and said "Come on dude scatter of to the Hermes cabin" He said.

Then Alex walked over to the boy and Elizabeth. "Hi Im Alex Jones Son of Ares." He said. They were talking about the Underworld.

((100 hundred words if it isnt tell me))

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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

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PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 3:16 pm

((it 89 words alex))

"Theo as you should know from the Ares part this is my brother I was telling you about in the raid." Elizabeth put down her water bottle. "Hey Alex what are you doing here?" She stopped leaning on the cabin. She got scared that he might think that he was her boy friend witch would be really creepy. "Alex this is Theo if you haven't met him yet." She felt really imbarresed and didn't know why.

She picked her water bottle back up and took a drink. She smiled like usual and took another drink. She put it back on the ground and leaned again. "I like country and clasic rock like AC/DC and Kansas. Have you ever heard of the show Supernatural?"
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
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PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 3:51 pm

Theo nodded to the direction the boy had come from. "Thanks, Ryan usually has a bullying probalem." Theo was thurnderstruck too hear this kid was an Ares son. "Nice to meet you Alex." But at the use of his title 'son of Ares', Theo flinched noticeably like someone physicaly hit him. Looking at the two he felt he should explain the action, "sorry, the use of titels annoy me so" he glanced at Elizabeth she knew why. After eight years of training -three of which that were spent here at camp- he HAD hated not being claimed. But now after those trecherious years he resited the gods and evreything they stood for. Theo calmed himself before going into a rant in his own mind. Looking at Alex he said to himself , "I see much has changed since i've las been here." The comment meant, that he was un used to Ares kids well quite frankly not trying to kill him.

Theo was the kid at camp who was trained and knew how to fight. But when the Ares kids see him they think shorty with a big mouth, and try to take Theo's weapons, and for that reason is why the Apollo cabin is full of ingured complaing children of Ares. He wasn't sure if it was cause they were trying to procve there tough fighting an unclaimed 8 to 1. Or if it was they knew him. He didn't have a great history of making friends. For evrey two friend he made, he also created three enemys. THough very few kids in the Ares cabin weren't tottal losers, like his friend Ian. Who was a ten year old who was picked on by his sibliings for being weak. This was how Theo met him, he made the kid back off for a bit. Than he started teaching Ian a few things. While he was a way form camp for five year he trained in almost evrey marcial art known to man. This was what he was teaching his samll friend. How to fend off other campers.

This to Theo was sad. A kid having to be taught how to make his own kin back off. He than looked to Elizabeth as she drank the water, she seemed in destrees. He shrruged it off when somehting click in his mind. "Hey Alex, you are Elizabeth are the raiders right? I was going to ask if you had room for one more?" Theo leaned aginst the cabin and took off his neckless. Holding the three beads in his hand he ran his thumb over each of the symbols tat were enggraved into the wooden beed. He really did miss alot at camo maybe if he had stayed he could have stoped the horrid way it had changed... or atleast gotten used to it. Sighing Theo put the neckless back on, "so Alex how long have you been at camp?" He wondered if this kid too had been here a short time let still had been claimed.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

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PostSubject: Re: Metting the newbies   Metting the newbies Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 4:30 pm

"We alwase have room for one more Theo alwase. Do you want to make it where we were talking about?" She smiled pooring more water on her head. "Something you should know about me is I love climbing trees." She ran to the tree in the center and climbed to the top. "So how high can you climb, Theo?"

She was standing on the thinest most strongest branch in the tree.
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