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PostSubject: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 2nd 2010, 11:44 pm

Joey had just finished telling Aly about being a half-blood and talked a little bit about different sorts of monsters. From what he could tell this is where everyone stayed. At least somewhere in these cabins. He walked slowly down the hill. He was nervous about what the other campers would think about him. He was never one to blow his cool in front of people but then again he never really got along with tons of people. He wondered if anyone had the need for adrenalin like him. If so then would they want to fight him? His mind started to wander.

He looked at all the different cabins. There was one that looked like an army thing. One had tons of vines on it. another dark obsidian that must have been Hades it just radiated death. Another was defiantly Poseidon's it had the trident over the door. Joey wasn't just strong he studied to. Not much other then Greek mythology. He always wanted to learn more and more. every new god or monster he discovered he wanted to know more. He kept a small book of every monster he had ever fought. There were tons of monsters.

In his monster book he also wrote how he defeated them. Even if it was an accidental death such as the monster getting crushed or something of the sort. Many were just him beating the crap out of the monsters but some were more detailed. Like the monsters weakness or there strength. Those were always good to know. He walked up to the most populated cabin. He guessed it was the Hermes cabin. His Satyr friend told him about it. The Satyr said keep his valuables close and then told him why. He wasn't that eager to mess with thieves. It was okay to steal in his book as long as you didn't steal from him.

Joey never liked fighting other people but if someone did try and steal from him then they had another thing coming. He looked up at the Hermes cabin and took a deep breath. this was a big step he was about to take. "Welcome to your new home." He was talking to himself. It helped him calm down and it eased his emotions. He slowly opened the door. "Anybody home?!" He hoped someone was there and not at some class.
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 3rd 2010, 8:51 pm

Ama looked up at the new kid with a bored expression, which wanted to come pained very badly. Great, are you telling me there's more of them? Ama shook her head, and stretched her feet out in her sleeping bag. "Hello, Unclaimed," she said and looked back down at her notebook. She was doodling down ideas for her newest scuplture, and really didn't want to be bothered. But it was obvious that all the, erm... rowdy people in the cabin weren't going to talk to this boy.

"Welocme to my own little Hell. Then again, who knows... you might like it." Ama shrugged and drew a straigt line, and erased it hurriedly. That looked like crap. "That is, if you like CONSTANTLY being touched, loud coversations, having to keep everything you own in sight, and, oh, let's not forget this, sleeping on the floor." Ama huffed, and then blushed. That was the most she had said at one time since she had left the gang behind, and it surprised her. Ama looked up at the boy, and held her breath.

Of course he was cute. Surrounded by nerds for weeks and she looks up at the cute guy! "Um..." Her heart panged with a simple word, and she shook her head. The LAST thing she needed was another man to worm his way in and then rip her apart. And he looked like he could just about do it, too. Say something, you deranged psychopath.

"My name's Ama. And this..." she gestured broadly, "Is the Hermes Cabin."
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 3rd 2010, 10:46 pm

Joey stood there looking around. There were a couple kids playing around in the back. Four boys were playing a card game but they were gambling with drachmas. the only person that seemed to pay attention to him was a girl in a sleeping bag with a notebook. Finally a sane person. He looked around and walked closer to the girl so he could hear a little better.

"Uh...Hey, I'm Joey. And i don't know if this is exactly my...crowd." He laughed slightly this defiantly wasn't his crowd. It was to uncomfortable for him. "I guess you don't like it much either." He laughed when she complained about being touched and laud conversations. "the sleeping on the floor thing may be a problem. I mean i came from Manhattan so i didn't have to live like trash. I don't want to be mean but i kind of want a bed." He looked around seeing if any were empty. Nobe were, all there was, was a couple of sleeping bags and pillows littered around the floor.

"Well i guess it is the floor for now." He looked around and grabbed a sleeping bag and pillow. She introduced herself as Ama. "Hey Ama," He smiled "Do you mind if i sit here?" He pointed to floor next to her. "If you want to keep drawing its cool i totally understand." He drew a little bit but he wasn't very good. Mainly still life and animals.
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 5th 2010, 7:36 pm

Ama smiled as he grabbed a random sleeping bag and drug it over. "Yeah, you can sit here." At least he seems sane... It was s relief to have at least one kindred spirit in a whirl pool of... Hermes. Not that she trusted him or anything. But since when did you have to trust one to talk smack with them? "I went to Manhattan when I was, like, twelve. I grew up in- well, it was a small town. In Mannie, I joined a g-group of demigods. We slept on the streets when we had jobs and stuff, but, ya' know, we had a home, too." Ama didn't know why she balked at telling him about the gang, but she did. And the fact that their 'home' was more of a prison was a fact she kept to herself. But at least everyone had a bed...

"What did you do in Manhattan? Maybe I've heard about one of your escapades." Ama only asked because she had thought Trina kept tabs on every demi-god in Mannie. But where had Nickgotten his army from, then? Surely, Joey wasn't one of Nick's goons. He doesn't look like the traitorus type...

Ama sighed and flipped the page in her notebook. She needed something new to draw, some fresh inspiration. The question was, what was worth drawing in this place?
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 6th 2010, 9:11 am

"Cool" Joey sat down next to Ama. She started to explain how she ended up here. She said she joined a group of Demigods and they stayed in Manhattan. When she explained the situation she was in it seemed great but her eyes showed a different story. Joey couldn't place what emotion she was feeling exactly but he wanted to comfort her. He decided not to because they didn't know each other that well. She asked what he did in Manhattan. He laughed when she said escapades. He took a deep breath in and started to tell his story.

"Well i didn't have the hardest life. My parents were cool with me. A satyr taught me almost everything i needed to know about the Greeks. But i was a stupid and when he told me about camp Half-Blood i ran away and tried to come here. I didn't really know what to do so, i hid out in Manhattan. I kind of got the...need to kill monsters." He felt weird saying it and he really hoped Amarina wouldn't think any differently of him. "I need Adrenalin to keep sane and monster killing gave it to me. But i thought i was one of the only half-bloods in Manhattan.
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 6th 2010, 8:38 pm

"Yeah..." Ama's eyes went a little unfocused, when he spoke about running away from his Seeker. She never had a satyr come to her, and guide her to Camp. In the back of her mind, she supposed Tiana had sent them away, whenever one tried to come for one of the gang members. None of them ever got claimed, except for Tiana, the epic Hermes leader. Which might be why you're a tiny bit discriminate. "You're lucky your parents were so cool with you. I was raised by my Aunt and she took the whole mythology thing to heart. Badly." Aa shook her head ruefully. People feared what they couldn't understand. "Do you know how many times I've been exorcised in my life?"

"And I know how you feel about the whole 'monster' thing." Ama bit her lip. "Being here has been the first break in a very long kill rate for me," she said sadly. "They took my gun. It had celestial bronze bullets. And... for some reason, I don't think I'm going to get it back." Ama sighed and stared down at her notebook. "I'm a major failcase with swords and archery. Who knows... maybe I'll have one of those epicclaw thingies..."

Ama looked up at Joey for a few seconds, then bent over her book, scribbling what she could down before she got caught. People usually got really wierd when they realized she was making blueprints for her next sculpture. But then again, what Joey didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2010, 12:36 am

Joey listened intently on what she had to say. She must have known what it was like because he could tell she felt the the same or close tow hat he felt. "That sucks my parents didn't know anything about me being a half-blood. I made up some lame excuse i don't remember what it seems so long ago." is eyes showed how distant he was but he shook his head and everything came back into focus. He looked over to Amarina and she was drawing her notebook. She was slightly hunched over blocking him from what she was drawing. "What are you drawing?" He wasn't trying to pry he was just trying to be friendly.

Joey loved art and wanted to see if she drew in a different style. That was one thing that always captured him. the many different styles. He saw a glimpse of what she was drawing... She was sketching some sort of statue. She was really good or at least to Joey she was. He wasn't going to say anything until she showed him though.
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 7th 2010, 9:39 pm

"Really? They had no idea?" The news didn't click in Ama's brain. Shouldn't one of them at least have a glimmer that they gave birth to a child of a god?? Ama quickly dismissed the thought. If Joey wanted her to know what was going on in his personal life, he'd tell her. Besides, what did she care? He was a dude that she was talking too because she was really, really bored. Nothing more. "I..."

Ama stalled a bit when he asked her what she was drawing. A tiny little blush coloured her cheeks, and she bit her lip. So far, she hadn't been able to tell what kind of guy he was. Would he freak if he found out she was drawing him? Would he think it meant all the wrong things? Or would he be okay with it, and never give it another glance? Ama really wasn't sure which was worse at this point. "I could tell you," Ama said simply, "But then I'd have to kill you." She shot him a tiny grin, and tossed him another notebook, this one a tiny bit diffrent. "You can look at these, though."

Ama's usual and most used style was very technical and usually had soemthing to do with her statue, therefore mostly portraits of people. Across the page, there was sizes and proportion notes scribbled down; tiny little things to help her work easier. But, occasionaly, she had a truly artistic flair. Strange flowing symbols that seemed to look like flowers, or eyes. But for some reason, she could never mix the two together... Left brain, right brain.
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 8th 2010, 10:23 pm

"Well, my parents adopted me when i was younger." He guessed that if your parent had a child with a god they would know. He decided to drop the life subjects because he didn't know if hers was extremely delicate. She said she could tell him but then she would have to kill him. "Ouch it must be some thing super top secret." He laughed now he really wanted to see what she was drawing. Instead of showing him she threw another book of hers at him.

"Thanks!" He smiled and opened up the book. The pages were covered in different drawings. It was amazing all of them were so intricate and precise. The main thing was statues. They were statues of different people. Maybe that is what she was drawing. They looked extremely realistic. "Wow these are amazing! They are absolutely brilliant.

"Now i really want to see what you are drawing!" He wasn't going to snatch the book away from her but whatever it was he really wanted to see it. He flipped through some more of her drawings. "Hey do you think you could draw one of me?"
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2010, 7:57 pm

Adopted... There was a time when Ama would have given anything to say that that word applied to her. Whether it was for the fact that she didn't want to be related to that crazy witch she called and aunt, or if it was because the gang had gottentoo stressful... that word was a safe haven, in which to store dreams. I wonder what his life would be like if he hadn't been so lucky...

"Yeah, I guess you could say I'm not on for showing anything to anybody until it's absolutely perfect," Ama sai slowly. The truth was, was that sometimes Ama could be hard-core obsessed. Not always over her art, and never about germs... but stupid things, like the number of jellybeans she ate... and who she chose to be in her sculptures. Ama smiled at his praise, and went silently back to work on his sculpture-

'Do you think you could draw one of me?' Ama looked up at him, eyes slightly dazed. There were two reasons she really wished he hadn't asked that. 1) Because she was already working on one of him, and really didn't want to explain that, and 2) she had never worked on a 'request' before and had no idea how to do it.

"Um...Sure?" Ama said, and looked down at the barely started picture on the page. I didn't like that pose all that much anyway... With a tiny sigh, Ama flipped the page over and started anew.
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Alyson Queen

Alyson Queen

Posts : 88
Location : Terabithia

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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2010, 8:23 pm

((mind a new person joining this thread?))
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2010, 10:12 pm

((sure you can go ahead and post))
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Alyson Queen

Alyson Queen

Posts : 88
Location : Terabithia

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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 10th 2010, 10:42 pm

Alyson finished her tour with Joey a while ago. He had asked if she wanted to go the Hermes cabin with her but she wanted to go check out a few...areas that were supposedly of limits. Well, looked liked they should be anyway. So, now she had a few cuts and bruises from things she would rather not say. Though, now she knew the extent of smaller sized hellhound. Thankfully, someone had popped in and saved her, telling her to go get a weapon as soon as she could. As well as a new sweatshirt, 'cause hers was starting to rip and show her scars.

And so, Alyson was now skipping into the Hermes cabin. She looked like any old 8 year old girl that just got back from having fun. Truthfully, running for her life and stealing a kids arrow to kill the monster had been fun. Though, she wouldn't plan on doing it again without at least a knife on her.

Alyson immediately spotted Joey and walked over. He was with a girl Aly didn't know. Of course, she didn't know a lot of people. "Hey Joey-son!" Alyson smiled and said in her best little kid voice. She decided to act innocent right now. Just out of boredom. "Who is the pretty girl next to you?" Alyson asked, noticing something in her hands.

"What's that?" Alyson asked. She noticed the sleeping back and quickly grabbed on for herself. She placed it next to Joey's, just because he was the first person she met. She wasn't friends with anyone yet but, he was a good allie. She refused to make any close connection with anyone since the two terrible deaths. But enough of that. Alyson was set on learning a little about this girl.
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 11th 2010, 1:01 am

Joey smiled and when Ama said she would sketch him he smiled even more. "You are a great artist by the way." He sat down next to her and then he heard the door of the cabin open. It creaked a little bit by the over use but somehow when ever a son or daughter of hermes open it it didn't make any noise. He turned quickly to see who it was. It was Alyson.

"Hey Alyson!" Joey smiled he had kind of saved her back at the top of the hill. Her sweatshirt was slightly ripped up. More so then before. Then she asked who the pretty girl next to him was. He blushed slightly and smiled. This girl could be really sweat if she wanted to. "this pretty girl is a friend of mine. her name is Amarina and she didn't say she would kill me if i gave her a nick name." He grinned Alyson told him never to call her Aly and joey was going to follow that rule but still give her some annoyance with it.
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 11th 2010, 7:55 pm

Ama, who had been by herself for a very long time now, didn't really now what to do with being hit with two diffrent compliments at once. Ama looked up at both of them and blinked, temporarily dizzied. Was she supposed to say thank you once? Twice? Or since the oppotunity at had passed for the first one, and ignore the second one, as it was posed more directly at Joey? Things were so much easier in Manhattan... "Umm... thank you," she whisperd almost inaudibly. "Yeah, I'm Ama..." Not that I think you'd care...

Ama was confused by the appearance of the little kid as well. She was even younger than she had been when she had joined Tiana and the gang. How did she even make it here? And besides that, how did Joey know her? C'mon, Ama, not everyone in camp is as anti-social as you. "Hello, Alyson... are you okay?" Ama's cheek flared up as the words tumbled out off her lips. She hadn't meant to pry, but that was certainly the colour of blood around the edge of one of the rips in Alyson's shirt. Realizing that Alyson and Joey were havong a conversation that they might not want her butting into, she bent her head back over her notebook and worked diligently one Joey's sculpture-sketch. If I work hard, perhaps I can finish today and have the sculpture based before my sketch goes 'mysteriously' missing...

Last edited by Amarina Zale on May 11th 2010, 7:55 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : 'Shw' is not a word...)
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Alyson Queen

Alyson Queen

Posts : 88
Location : Terabithia

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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 12th 2010, 12:15 am

Alyson sat down next to the two, feeling a flash back of the orphanage on the few times when all the long term kids would sit on the floor to talk about random things like new families in the area, who had been adopted, ect. It was a small, happy memory that didn't really have much effect on her now.

Alyson stuck her tongue out at Joey but didn't say anything on the subject. Why she hated people calling her Aly was a long and trusting conversation. Alyson had decided to stop trusting and befriending people a while ago. "I never said kill. Just break. But you still can't call me that." Alyson looked at the girl and grinned. She looked like she couldn't handle the people. Alyson used to have that feeling...then she was adopted her fourth time and realized complements were for whimps and flowers.

Amarina. Nice name but Aly was glad Ama let her call her Ama. Alyson looked up at her as she asked her if she was okay. Alyson looked confused for a second then saw that Ama's eyes were on her sweatshirt. Alyson shrugged and grinned, a bit evilly if you looked close. "Just a run in with a Hellhound....i really need to get a weapon." Alyson giggled and hugged her pillow. She really needed a new sweatshirt before someone noticed. She knew what the creature had been but...she didn't want to reveal it to everyone.
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 12th 2010, 11:19 am

Joey heard Amarina mutter thank you under her breath. It seemed as if everyone at camp had some sort of problems. Alsyon had trust problems. Amarina... well he didn't exactly know but she seemed to be extremely reclusive. Joey....well he had anger issues. He never really liked talking about it but if he got angry he would blow up. He knew that almost everyone here were orphans.

Alyson stuck her tongue out and Joey and he smirked. "Okay but i still wouldn't want to be broken." He grinned and then Alyson said she was attacked by a hell hound. "That is twice in one day! You must be a hell hound magnet!" He laughed a little bit. Amarina seemed more involved with her book.

"I really need to get a weapon too. I wonder what kind i should get." He thought about and he knew he was no good with a sword. He had a couple daggers in his bags but they weren't very big and they didn't always sink deep enough to kill an animal. He thought about all the different types of weapons. "I think i might get an axe."
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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 12th 2010, 7:52 pm

Amarina wasn't sure if she liked the way everyone kept giving her little looks, like they weren't sure if she was sane or not. So, instead of focusing on Joey's eyes, she escaped to to examining Alyson's words. "A Hell-hound, huh?" Ama inwardly shivered at the slightly evil smile on her face. She reminds me of, well... me. It was then and there Ama decided that she would protect Alyson no matter what, much like she had already with Elizabeth. She knew what it was like to be that young, and having no one to trust... It's not going to happen to them. "Yeah, Lizzie and I ran into one of those on the beach last week, actually. Left me with quiet a few scars," Ama admitted ruefully, and rubbed the crook of her arm. It was still quite painful.

"You can take a look at my weapon if you want," Ama said hesitantly. She wasn't quite sure if they were even interested, but they were talking about weapons, and hers were... rather unusual, to say the least. Putting her notebook down regretfully, Ama reached for her messenger back. A few moments later she pulled Deino out and laid it on her lap. The bronze gaunlet and spikes shone in what little sunlight they had left and Ama smiled. "It's a Fuedal Japan ninja claw," she exlained, "Of course I had to have it made out of celestial bronze, and make a few adjustments here and there, but... well, you know." Ama shrugged.
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Alyson Queen

Alyson Queen

Posts : 88
Location : Terabithia

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PostSubject: Re: New camper   New camper Icon_minitimeMay 12th 2010, 10:07 pm

Alyson smirked at Joey's first comment. She couldn't help but laugh a little when the both teens commented on the hellhound. Yeah...two attacked her but the second was kinda her fault. Next time, when she saw one sleeping, she wouldn't go up to it. Alyson nodded and shrugged, barely listening. Other people's stories were cool and all but not important unless they give away any good future information. Like when Ama said she had gotten a few scars. That had gotten Aly's attention. She had been facing Ama but now she was looking at her. She didn't say anything else though, but Alyson saw her rub her arm. o she had scars on her arm too.... weird.

"An Axe? Eh, maybe for you...i don't think I could do that." Alyson commented on what Joey said. She was thinking something small. Maybe a dagger or knife. Though, she did like the bow and arrows people were carrying around. Then, she saw Ama's weapons. "Those are cool. Where did you get them?" Alyson asked picking up the ninja claw. She probably shouldn't do that but she didn't care. Alyson only held it for a few seconds before putting it back. "I was thinking knives, or a bow. Maybe hook swords... i saw them in a movie once but I think I am to short for those..." Alyson broke into thought, wondering what kind of weapon would be best for her. She didn't want a boring dagger, but she still needed something she could use correctly.
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