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A roleplaying site based off of Rick Riordans series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians
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 New at camp ((open))

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New at camp ((open)) Empty
PostSubject: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2010, 11:10 am

Luke walked towards what must have been the Hermes cabin. It was the most normal looking cabin, the one he had been told to go to. This was where he would sleep until he was claimed. He put his hand on the handle, took a deep breath to calm his nerves, opened the door and stepped in. He looked around the cabin, noticing all the mess. It looked like a bomb site. Or, to be more accurate, a room shared by about fifty teenagers. Which seemes to be the case. He went to g to a bunk, but saw they were all took up. And that's when he noticed the sleeping bags on the floor. He sighed and looked around the room, seeing if he could find the cabin leader. When he couldn't find someone with an air of authority around them, he shouted out.
"Hey! Which one of you is....." He trailed off, trying to remember the name. Then it came back to him.
Ay yes!
"...Travis Stoll?" He finished. He kept his ears open for a reply, while keeping an eye on the kids around him. This was the Hermes cabin, and Hermes was the god of theives. He didn't want anything of his to go missing. Then again, he didn't really have much on him. Just a few clothes and a couple of Drachma's, which he made sure were still in his pocket.
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PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2010, 12:47 pm

Travis was actually not in the Hermes cabin at this moment in time, but raiding the fridge in the Big House while Chiron and Mr. D were busy consumed in the game of Pinochle that they were playing on the front porch. Travis had used the back door to get in and out of the Big House unseen. He was glad that the two camp leaders were so consumed when playing their cards because they could have easily caught Travis. But he made it by them with a nice bag full of snacks and pizza from the fridge. He laughed as he looked at the two leaders playing cards and Chiron yelling at Mr. D for trying to cheat. They were a good couple. He chuckled softly at that and hurried on his way.

When he found himself back to his cabin he heard someone asking who was Travis Stoll. Travis took this as a nice opportunity for a bit of scaring to be done. He dropped his bag behind the closest tree and snuck very silently up behind the new kid who was looking for him, though this time he planned to just pop up suddenly in front of the kid instead of doing like he did Laura the one day. That had been a little bit worse than he had planned. He was surprised Laura had forgiven him so easily, but he wasn't complaining much.

Travis got right up behind the newbie. and then jumped around in front of the kid, probably scaring the crap out of him. Travis laughed at the kids reaction. "Silly little newbie, if you're gonna stay in my cabin, you have to learn to deal with being a scared a little bit better. It's better to just not react at all instead of jumping like you did," Travis told the boy before realizing the he hadn't properly introduced himself to the boy.

"Travis Stoll, by the way, Son of Hermes and Hermes Counselor. Nice to have you at camp by the way, hope you enjoy it greatly," He greeted the kid. "Shall we go inside?" He said while motioning into his cabin and waiting for the boy to head inside. He was always happy to have newbies come to camp, though he hated the fact that they made the cabin even more crowded, but the newbies made Travis feel good that maybe someday the Gods would claim them and realize that they should love their kids and not just leaving them at camp sad and unclaimed.
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PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2010, 1:35 pm

Luke jumped as a kid around his age jumped out in front of him. He had his dagger out and nearly at the kid's throat when he got himself under control. He put the dagger back in its sheath on his belt, keeping one hand on it. The kids of Hermes were notorious thieves and he didn't want his only weapon to go missing.
"Oops. Sorry about that. I'm a bit jumpy at the moment." Luke said, hoping that the kid wouldn't comment on his accent. Surely he couldn't be the only English kid at camp? Could he?

He listened to what the kid had to say. He got slightly peeved at been called a 'silly little newbie', but didn't comment. It wasn't that he was easily scared. It was just that he was used to monsters jumping out of nowhere at him. It was just instinct to pull his dagger on something that jump at him. But he wasn't violent. He wouldn't want to use it, but sometimes he had had to.

"Ah, so your the infamous Travis Stoll." Luke noticed the food in Travis's hand. He raised an eyebrow "Been raiding the Big House? Oh, I'm Luke Ford by the way. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand to shake. Been polite was just the way he was, just like been nice to people. Unless they gave him a reason not to. But it had to be a really good reason. "Ok. Lets go inside."

Luke walked into the cramped space. He wished his parent would claim him soon. Now he knew that one of his parents was alive, he was kinda annoyed that they hadn't had anything to do with him. Not even let him know that they existed. He had been stuck in an orphanage for eight years, seeing sights that most people never saw, got adopted, got attacked by monsters, moved to the US and still got attacked by monsters. And what had his godly parent done to keep him safe? Nothing. It sucked.

Just be patient Luke.... You'll get claimed one day. The gods promised they'd claim all theor kids. So just wait and be patient

He had heard this around camp. Someone called Percy had gone on a quest and basically saved the world. And then he had made the gods promise to claim their kid, or the war tha thad gone on would probably happen again someday. And now kids were been claimed. So maybe, just maybe, Luke wouldn't have to wait long to get out of the Hermes cabin. Unless he got claimed by Hermes. If he did, he wouldn't really be bothered. At least he'd get a bunk.
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New at camp ((open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeFebruary 8th 2010, 8:38 pm

((Luke, I threw the food behind a tree. Not in my hand when I scared you))

Travis ignored the dagger that the kid had held at his throat. There was no need for Travis to even acknowledge that the kid even had it, if the kid had even really made a move he would have been on the ground before he knew what happened. Travis was possibly the best non-Ares fighter at camp, though even he had his faults when it came to fighting he could easily beat this newbie in a one-on-one fight. His swords had never failed him once and he knew that it would take a lot for Deyja and Prowler to fail him.

Travis smirked as he could tell he had made the kid a little insulted by calling him a newbie. It was something that the kid would have to get used to, just like being pranked, scared, beat in fights, possibly killed. . . that last one was always a sad possibility. It had happened to campers before, and it would happen to them in the future. It was just a bad part of the reality of all demigod lives. Most of them would probably die in battle, not many would make it to adulthood, even less to seniors.

"Yes, I would be the FAMOUS Travis Stoll. Nothing infamous about me, newbie," Travis said with a wink at the boy, or Luke as he had just introduced himself as. He loved messing with people when they insulted him, either taking it as a compliment or just turning it around on them like he had with Luke and making it sound like it wasn't insulting to him at all. It was just one of his many hobbies and one that he was good at. Just like scaring people and fighting. All things that he enjoyed immensely

Travis nodded as he let Luke get into the cabin after him. "So, Luke, this will be your home for either a few days, or for your entire camp career. I suggest you get used to it," he let Luke know. as he gestured to the cabin with open arms, trying to to hit one of his siblings who were walking by in the little walkway that they had set up for easier maneuvering throughout the cabin. "You'll probably want a sleeping bag or something I'm guessing," Travis mentioned as he went over to where they kept the sleeping bags for everyone and grabbed on for Luke and tossing it to the newbie.

"Pick out on open place on the floor for you to sleep, I know there aren't many, but we have to deal until there are more claimings," Travis said with a sigh. The only bad part of the Hermes cabin was the crowdedness, but Travis had to deal with it more than anyone. It was perfectly fine, though.
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New at camp ((open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeFebruary 9th 2010, 12:56 pm

((Ah, yes, sorry about that....))

Luke caught the sleeping bag and looked around. There was hardly any room left on the floor for someone to lay a sleeping bag down and sleep in comfortably. He kicked an empty sleeping bag out of the way, in the corner of the room, laying his down in its place. He looked around, once again notcing how cramped it was. It seemed the gods didn't do much claiming.

"Ok... so how long do people usually have to wait until they're claimed?" Luke asked. He didn't know much about camp, and Mr D hadn't really said much about been claimed. All he had really said was that somedy he would and then he would either be stuck in the Hermes cabin as a son of Hermes, or get out into another, less cramped cabin. Of course, Luke didn't know it would be this cramped.

He grabbed a pillow from a nearby empty bed, and sat down on his sleeping bag. It would take a while to get used to been stuck in such a small space with so many people, but he'd get used to it. He would have to.

"And another thing I don't understand..... How come the monsters come after us, just because we're half bloods? What did we ever do to them? They screw up our lives, and I guess most of us half bloods end up been killed by them..... but why?"

This was one of the major things that peeved Luke off. If the monsters hadn't come along, then he could have lived an almost normal life. Almost normal, because when you have ADHD and dyslexia, its kinda hard to fit in and live like a normal person. The monsters had chased him away from his home... in fact, they'd been there as long as he could remember.
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New at camp ((open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeMarch 17th 2010, 8:02 pm

Sionus was lying down on a sleeping bag sharpening Eclipse. (Which wasn't a safe thing to do, but he did it anyway.) When he heard the question, how long do people usually have to wait until they're claimed, he laid Eclipse down and said in the empty cabin. "It depends, but Percy Jackson made the gods promise to claim their son's and daughter's before they turn 13 and that they would do it ASAP. Though I have been here 1 year and I am 14, I am still waiting to get claimed, I guess the gods are always busy. I don't know why though the monsters come after us. I think it is because they like meat and demigods. So the come to us o eat us or kill us for the fun of it. Being a half-blood is complicated."
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New at camp ((open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeMarch 22nd 2010, 10:21 pm

((Gah, Luke, I'm sorry.I'll post tomorrow I promise! I ended up going out tonight!))
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New at camp ((open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2010, 11:41 am

((its ok - I can wait... patience is a virtue, and happens to be one I have ))
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New at camp ((open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeMarch 23rd 2010, 12:11 pm

((Patience is a virtue yes, but I don't have it I think. But I can wait))
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New at camp ((open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeApril 4th 2010, 10:45 am

((Sorry it's going to be short. . .))

"Everyone has to wait a different amount of time before their claiming. Some get claimed before they come to camp, some right after, some a few weeks or months or some years. It depends on who their parent is. Some of the Gods are lazy and don't care or are too busy to claim their kids," Travis explained to Luke as he walked around examining his cabin.

"The monsters attack us because of our scent. They smell us and know where we are, the more powerful the demigod the stronger the scent. Why they come after our scent over other things, I don't know, but it's always good to make sure you know how to fight them and what to do when one comes after you. Which is what this camp is for. To train and to keep you safe. enjoy it while you can, eh?" Travis continued and kicked away some trash under a random bunk and a dagger off the ground, tossing it so that it landed in the pile of weapons beside the door.
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PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeApril 4th 2010, 11:01 am

"Well, I can wait to be claimed. If I'm not, then my parent isn't worth knowing..." Luke said. "And believe me, I will enjoy it here.... the older I've got, the more monsters I've had after me. I'm glad my mum ... my adopted mum trained me. She's a.. a seeker, I think its called. You know, a mortal who can see through the Mist, and helps get half bloods to camp. Thanks to her, I can fight. But I'm stuck with just my dagger for now - I can't seem to get a sword that's balanced."

Luke shifted himself on his sleeping bag, so he wouldn't get cramp, or even more annoying, a numb bum. It had happened before, and was extremely annoying. He kept his eye on Travis. He liked this kid - although he couldn't exactly call him that. He was older than Luke.....

Trying to keep conversation going, he asked a random question.

"So, when did you get claimed then Travis?"

It was an innocent enough question. And Luke was curious. He was always curious. Been curious had got him in a lot of trouble, and usually ended up with a monster chasing him. If he knew he could beat it, he fought it. If he wasn't sure, or knew he couldn't, then he ran like hell.
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PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitimeApril 4th 2010, 2:45 pm

"You can't find a balanced sword eh?" he said raising his eyebrow. "I'll take you to the armory later, maybe a Hephaestus kid can help you. I am going to try archery, so I might as well go with you and get a bow to go to archery with." he said. "I am an example, I have been here 1 year and I am yet to be claimed." As he said that, he sheathed his sword. Both of them were older than him, but he didn't care, he might get out of there really soon.

((Sorry about the post, I am getting pestered to go outside, going to do it now))
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PostSubject: Re: New at camp ((open))   New at camp ((open)) Icon_minitime

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