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Thalia's Pine Tree

A roleplaying site based off of Rick Riordans series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians
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 You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))

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Declan Liles

Declan Liles

Posts : 186

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PostSubject: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2010, 11:29 pm

Smack! Declan heard the sound of his cane/staff hit a rock. tapping it on different sides, he determined that he had to take two steps to the left to clear the obstacle. Taking his to steps, Declan adjusted his knapsack of meager belongings and swung the fightingstaff out in front of him, being wary of any other rocks or trees that might jump in his way today. Moving swiftly and silently, Declan walked around, dodging the obstacles as he planned his next course of action. As much as Dec didn't want to talk to someone, he had to find out certain details, like, what cain he goes to, or when he can train against other campers. Things like that were important for the kid who couldn't see. It's not like te camp flyers had braille stamped on them. He would probably be the only blind kid at this camp, which made him feel even more alone in this world. Without Joe, Dec found it hard to trust in people. And boy did it show somtimes.

Declan heard a thump as his staff struck something, that wasn't made of rock. Tapping it on the sides, Dec figured it was made out of wood. Carefully he felt with his hands, trying to find a place to sit on the object. From what Dec could gather, it was probably a wooden dining table, the kind with benches aready built in. Sighing, he sat down on what he hoped was a bench, and put his staff on his lap. Tapping on it like the ADHD guy he was, Dec had to find the answers to his questions, even if it meant, actually talking to people. For the last month or so, it's only been himself. Surprisingly, Declan adjusted his thick black blind tinted glasses and called out.

"Hey! Anyone here that can answer the newest campers questions?" Dec asked, scolding himself for looking like he was inviting conversatin.
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Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Posts : 658
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it, and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window. If you look down Sun's sitting on the floor, and I'm behind your dresser XD

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2010, 1:18 pm

Forrest gathered her backpack decided to claim a spot in the Hermes cabin before she was stuck somewhere like the bathroom floor. She had little belongings: her backpack, holding an extra pair of nike shorts and an extra tee-shirt. This was the only pair of cloaths, besides what she was wearing that she had. In it, she also kept her sweatshirt, a short celestial bronze sword, and half a loaf of bread she had stolen with her sister only two days ago. She pulled it closer to her back and took the short walk to the cabins. There was almost a courtyard in the center of the U shaped line of cabins. Walking there, Forrest saw a figure that suprised her. She saw a boy, walking with a cane and dark glasses. She noticed the way he stumbled around, using his cane as a guide. Is he blind? She couldn't help but wonder. Forrest felt pity for him, but at the same time she was impressed and afriad. If he could live the life of a demigod in his state, yet still be alive must mean he was a force to be reackoned with.

She knew that even as she was a good distance away, he would hear her footfalls. He had extremily heightened sences. He sat down on a wooden bench and called out, "hey! Anyone here that can answer the newest campers questions?" Forrest hesitantely walked twords him. She had never before encountered anyone in his state and did not know what to think.

"Um... I just arrived yesterday, so I don't know much, but what might your question be?" She had only just realized that she was a demigod and that's why the monsters had chased her and her sister for those many years. "Er... right now, if you don't know who your parent is, you can stay at the Hermes cabin, that's where I'm headed at least..." When the words bubbled out of her mouth she realized just how stupid it sounded. She was talking somewhat slower to him then any normal person she encoutered, almost as if he was a little kid. She quickely corrected herself hoping he wouldn't get angered by it.
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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2010, 1:31 pm

Sophie was walking randomly around camp, bored with the Hermes Cabin. She had her shuffle in hand, with the headphones in. She hated the shuffle, she never knew what was playing, but it was all she had for entertainment right now. Sophie didn't feel like reading. Though her dyslexia got in the way, she still loved to read. She sat down in the grass, turning her head around, looking at the people around her. Though she had been here for about two months, she still barely knew any one. Which was pretty sad.

Sophie yawned. She needed someone to talk to. She didn’t know if her voice even worked any more, she hadn’t talked in so long. She took out one of her headphones to hear someone yelling. She turned to see a kid with sunglasses and a cane on his lap. She brought herself up and walked over. “Hi… I might be able to help.” Sophie told the kid when she got into ear shot.
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Evan Adairia Lewis

Evan Adairia Lewis

Posts : 187
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it, and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window. If you look down Sun's sitting on the floor, Forrest is behind your dresser, and I'm sitting on your desk!

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 18th 2010, 12:48 am

Evan stepped out of the Hermes cabin, glad to be rid of the noise. She had just claimed a spot in the corner of the crowded cabin, and figured that she’d better walk around to get used to her new home. Evan heard someone yell something about answering questions for the newest newbie.  She turned towards the person who had yelled, for she needed some questions answered as well and figured it might be less awkward if somebody else was just as clueless as she was. The person turned out to be a guy, who was sitting at one of the tables in the center of the cabins. He had sunglasses on and a staff on across his lap. Interesting weapon choice, Evan though as she watched to other girls come over to him. She figured she’d have to meet other campers sometime and walked over to the small group, shoving her hands in her hoodie’s pockets as she went. Right before she got there Evan heard one of the girls say something about going to the Hermes cabin. “There aren’t any beds left in the Hermes cabin, just an FYI.” She said when she reached the group. “Hi. Sorry for intruding, I heard you talking about needing questions answered and I figured I might as well come over seeing as I’m practically clueless about this whole thing.” Evan finished rather bitterly. 

The bitterness in her voice surprised her, normally she was fairly good about keeping her emotions to herself. Maybe she’d just enough and would soon crack and become an angry, sobbing mess. It was possible, after all her dad had just left her here with a bunch of so called demigods and the gone off to go on tour in Iraq. Oh well, Evan thought as she waited for a reply from somebody, at least you’re not in boarding school with all those psychopath losers.  Evan cringed at both thoughts. She didn’t know which she hated more, being an angry, sobbing mess or going to a boarding school for ‘special people’ because no other schools would accept her. Well a camp was better than school, so she’d just have to stick it out for now…

Last edited by Evan Adairia Lewis on August 19th 2010, 12:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Declan Liles

Declan Liles

Posts : 186

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 19th 2010, 12:17 am

Declan heard the many different footsteps trod toward him as female voices talked. The first one told him that he would stay in the hermes cabin, and that she was going there also. Dec nodded in her general direction, hoping that it seemed that he made eye contact. It's much more...civilized to look at the person your talking to. So Dec did it, even though he could actually see the camper. He smiled a small smile. Being able to talk to people other than himself was a long forgotten practice for Declan. The Last person he talked to was Joe, and it was a day that Dec didn't really want to remember that much.

The second pair of footsteps were lighgter than the first. He assumed that this person was different than camper 1. She offered to help too, and Dec found himself with nothing to say in front of two girls. Well, ths is a first. Dec though, and he imagined that Joe would've been laughing at him right now. Dec looked at the origin of the voice for the second girl and gave her a vague nod. He was focusing on the third pair of footsteps walking up to him.

Adjusting his glasses, he adressed all the girls at once. "Look, thanks for the offers of help, but All I need to know is where I'm sleeping and where I can train. Blind kids need to get in shape too." He smiled a bit crookedly, not really believing that He, Declan Liles, was actuall carrying an conversation with not one, but three people. But he needed ot know one more thing, "So I'm Declan, or Dec for short, and I need names to put with your voices."

((sorry its sucky, my muse was sleep deprived.))
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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 19th 2010, 9:50 am

Sophie noticed the other girl that was already there after she got there. Another girl came up, and then the kid that had been there began to talk. She raised a eye brow when he said 'blind kid'. "I'm Sophie Smith." Sophie introduced herself when he was finished.. "Daughter of some God." She shrugged. Claiming wasn't a big deal for her, but she still introduced herself that way. "Nice to meet you." Sophie wasn't actually sure how he would be getting to the Hermes Cabin without tripping... She shook her head, Stupid ADHD was all the was running through her head now. "Well... The Hermes Cabin is where unclaimed kids sleep. Training is in the arena. I actually don't know where that is..." Sophie had only ever practiced in the woods, slashing a borrowed sword from the armory at twigs and leaves.

((Meh... sorry. My muse has left me.))
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Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Posts : 658
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it, and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window. If you look down Sun's sitting on the floor, and I'm behind your dresser XD

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 19th 2010, 8:24 pm

Right after she finished speaking to the boy, she heard someone walking up behind her. She turned to see another girl, then, to her right, she heard a door close and she turned to see yet another girl, both walking their way. Forrest looked back at the boy, waiting for the two to arrive. His sightless eyes found her as he nodded behind the glasses.

As the girl's arrived, Forrest remembered his first question and thought the maybe one or both of girl's could be of better help than her. Instinctively, Forrest heard him say, "look, thanks for the offers of help, but All I need to know is where I'm sleeping and where I can train. Blind kids need to get in shape too." Forrest smiled and almost answered him, but the first girl beat her to it. Adding to it, Forrest said, "I'm afriad I've never been to the Arena either, the only place I've been is the hill, you see, like you I just arrived.

Forrest nodded to the second girl's cooment and merely said, "I figured that much but thank you for the heads up. Did you just move in too?"

In the midst of her train of thought, Forrest was pulled out by the sound of a soft voice. "So I'm Declan, or Dec for short, and I need names to put with your voices."
"Oh, of course!" Forrest laughed. She suprised herself at how easily she was talking to him. She knew that she had a problem with wanting to be the alpha over everyone, she had learned that much with Sun... But maybe it was just a good trait he carried. Forrest was still hardely talking to the other two, she did not want to blow up again!

She heard the first girl introduce herself as Sophie, then Forrest added, "and I'm Forrest, or yo can call me Ausha if you want I don't really care, I've been called both." With an afterthought she added, "hello Dec ...and Sophie!" It felt weid not adressing the third girl, but she decided to shout hi to her as soon as she learned of her name.
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Evan Adairia Lewis

Evan Adairia Lewis

Posts : 187
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it, and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window. If you look down Sun's sitting on the floor, Forrest is behind your dresser, and I'm sitting on your desk!

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 20th 2010, 5:06 pm

Evan wasn’t overly surprised when the guy said something about a blind kid. Dark black sunglasses, and a staff that was extremely scuffed at the end and had several dents, like it had been purposefully bumped against something repeatedly, together hinted that there was a possibility that this guy was blind. The guy introduced himself as Dec, and then asked for their names. The girl beside her said her name was Sophie Smith, and then she proceeded to talk about the Hermes cabin and the Arena. The other girl then made it known that her name was Forrest, but she would also go by Ausha. Forrest, awesome name, Evan thought randomly. “Salvete! Dec. Sophie. Forrest, awesome name by the way! I’m Evan Adairia Lewis.” Evan said brightly. She blushed and then looked down at her Sperrys when she realized that she had incorporated  Latin into what she had just said. She looked up quickly, hopping that Forrest and Sophie wouldn’t notice.
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Declan Liles

Declan Liles

Posts : 186

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 20th 2010, 10:06 pm

One girl, the second camper that had walked up to him introduced herself as Sophie. The first camper, the one he had een originally speaking to, mentioned that her name was Forrest, but she went by Ausha. Declan thought that name was a bit...unusual, but he wasn't to complain. At least she didn't gen named something way mainstream, like Nicole. There were 7 Nicoles in his orphanage. Most of them left or got adopted by weird sounding guys, anyways. The last girl, her name was Evan. Dec nodded to each one when they introdced themselves, already working on hs memorizaion technique to put voices to names, so that he could recognize people by their own voice. Being Blind gave him a way to recognize people not with their looks, which could change, but their voices, whch probably never would. Unless they acquired some wierd accent.

Dec didn't really know which direction the Hermes cabin was, so he already felt embarrassed when he asked. if he wasn't in a new place, he probably would have never talked to these campers, instead going about his business and training like a invisible man. He was the kid who said nothing, becase what did he have to talk about? Being blind? that just made people piteous of him, and Dec didn't need anymore pity than what he was already getting. Declan put his staff-end on the ground, and stood up, not really looking at anyone. Instead he looked off into the distance, or at least, appeared to, and spoke.

"Thanks for the help, well, for the help I got," Dec started, running his free hand through his long-ish hair. He was going to have to get it cut soon. But it seemed that lots of people at this camp were new-ish, so he wasn't going to be the only one, even if he was the only blind one. "It was..nice to meet you all," He looked at where forrest had been standing, "And maybe we can train sometime. I just need to be filled in on certain...rules and regulations. and hopefully, you say it..claimed soon." Dec finished, and tapped his staff in front of him to get a feel for his first step.
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Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Posts : 658
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it, and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window. If you look down Sun's sitting on the floor, and I'm behind your dresser XD

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 21st 2010, 9:43 pm

After she finished speaking, the last girl who arrived introduced herself as Evan. Forrest picked up on two particular things that intruigued her. A. She spoke in Latin. B. She complimented her. "Quid agis hodie!" Forrest siad back meaning 'how are you today.' "I like your name too! Forrest laughed remebering the mental old man she and her sister had stumbled apon during their many travels. The guy spoke in Latin only and he gave them food and shelter for about a month, where Forrest picked up the basics. Forrest realized just how stupid she probably looked but she didn't mind, she was just happy her and the girl today where getting off on the right foot way better than her and other girl had started yesterday.

Lost in thought, Forrest was taken aback Dec thanked them and basically said his fairwells. Right afterwords he stood up and began to walk away. What is he doing?! Forrest couldn't help but ask herself. He basically askes for help then walkes away! And why would I practice with him, he'd get killed! Then it hit her. He was most likely walking away because they were treating him like some disabled kid. Forrest knew that he did almost have an advantage over them as he had heightened hearing and feeling sences. "Look..." She began feeling stupid not to say sorry. "...I'd like that, we should practice sometime, but don't you want to get settled in the Hermes cabin? It's strait ahead, 20 feet or so." She said helping him and doing her best not to sound to snobby. He probably got loads of people treating him as lesser to them, and Forrest didn't want to do that, she knew that with her childhood, she had been through a bunch of pain as well.

((no real muse today...))
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Declan Liles

Declan Liles

Posts : 186

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 24th 2010, 11:41 pm

((If Sophie and Evan don't post soon, I am.))
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Evan Adairia Lewis

Evan Adairia Lewis

Posts : 187
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it, and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window. If you look down Sun's sitting on the floor, Forrest is behind your dresser, and I'm sitting on your desk!

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 28th 2010, 6:45 pm

((I was going to wait for Sophie, but I guess I'll post))

Evan was surprised when Forrest replied in Latin, asking her how she was today. "Bene! Et tu?" She said laughing. "You know Latin? I took a mandatory class at one of my boarding schools, it's a really good language to learn, unfortunately, I was kicked out for 'causing trouble'...." Evan said, making quotation marks with her hands, then, realizing that she was rambling, Evan trailed off. She remembered that particular incident of being kicked out of that school because she had been attacked by a monster earlier in the year, and then she had loosened the screws on all of the beds in the girls dormitory, which had been the final straw for her headmaster. Evan tried not to laugh as he remembered the faces of the girls in the dormitory with her as they sat on their beds and their beds collapsed beneath them. She suppressed her laughter and managed to only grin micheviously.

 Evan had a feeling that she and Forrest would become good friends, judging on the few minutes they had been talking. "Training would be fun!" She said to Dec, after Forrest said something. Evan wasn't the type of person to treat someone different due to a disability or their looks, so she treated Dec like any other demigod. "Oh yah, there aren't any free beds in the Hermes cabin, just an FYI." She added absentmindedly, shifting her weight to her back leg.

((no muse Sad ))
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Declan Liles

Declan Liles

Posts : 186

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2010, 12:09 am

((taps foot while waiting for sophie XD))
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Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Posts : 658
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it, and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window. If you look down Sun's sitting on the floor, and I'm behind your dresser XD

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2010, 6:20 pm

((taps along with you

muse or not, I liked it XD))
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Sun Riverwood

Sun Riverwood

Posts : 691
Age : 26
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window, and I'm sitting on the floor ;)

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeSeptember 3rd 2010, 4:29 pm

((Guess I missed out on a big thread, huh? XD This is a reminder for Sophie.))
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Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Posts : 658
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it, and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window. If you look down Sun's sitting on the floor, and I'm behind your dresser XD

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2010, 10:50 pm

((ok if Sophie doesn't reply soon i will, just because she's not replying doesn't mean we can't keep it going. If we have her permission someone can say that she remembered she had to be somewhere and left or if she wants to stay in the thread she can act like she spaced out and missed what we were saying or something...))
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Sun Riverwood

Sun Riverwood

Posts : 691
Age : 26
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window, and I'm sitting on the floor ;)

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2010, 11:31 am

((She was online today.... sorry! I'm stalking the thread XD))
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Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Posts : 658
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it, and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window. If you look down Sun's sitting on the floor, and I'm behind your dresser XD

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2010, 11:33 am

((it's alright, and yah, she's been on many times and saw thisso i'm pretty sure she knows!

Cari!!!!!!!! Well I'm leaving in like ten min, but I'll be back on in like 4 hours, I like havn't been on with you since school!!! Evil or Very Mad))
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Sun Riverwood

Sun Riverwood

Posts : 691
Age : 26
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window, and I'm sitting on the floor ;)

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2010, 1:58 pm

((Haha I know right! Anyway, I'mma stop spamming now XD))
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Declan Liles

Declan Liles

Posts : 186

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeSeptember 13th 2010, 12:04 pm

(( Okay so what is the fate i=of this thread, should we just close it, and I can start a new one for getting around camp and stuff like that? I've been inactive, but I blame school, XD))
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Sun Riverwood

Sun Riverwood

Posts : 691
Age : 26
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window, and I'm sitting on the floor ;)

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeSeptember 13th 2010, 2:37 pm

((Well Sophie's obviously not going to post, huh? You tried PM'ing her?))
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Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Posts : 658
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it, and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window. If you look down Sun's sitting on the floor, and I'm behind your dresser XD

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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeSeptember 13th 2010, 10:50 pm

((yah you can close it I guess. But I still want to rp with you so maybe we could move it and just the ones active and ready to actually reply can join:P))
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Sun Riverwood

Sun Riverwood

Posts : 691
Age : 26
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window, and I'm sitting on the floor ;)

You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeSeptember 14th 2010, 4:03 pm

((May I join that time? Pwease? Anyway, I'mma stop spamming.))
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Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Forrest Ausha Chaucer

Posts : 658
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it, and if you turn around, Skyler's the face in the window. If you look down Sun's sitting on the floor, and I'm behind your dresser XD

You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeSeptember 14th 2010, 11:27 pm

((sure! As long as you stay active and post! (I have alsolutely no fear of that XD) ))
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Declan Liles

Declan Liles

Posts : 186

You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitimeSeptember 15th 2010, 3:03 pm

((There is a thread in the Sound sorry its short, but I had like no time to write it.))
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PostSubject: Re: You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))   You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all)) Icon_minitime

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You have a bad connection...((newbie..XD open to all))
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