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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 15th 2010, 12:19 pm

Elizabeth walked to the center of the cabins in her plaid shorts and her regular black shirt that she spray painted to say ‘Ares is Awesome’ in red. She started to do her cotta from her karate class. She rarely did this but she felt she had to. She was sitting it the tree in the center which was the only tree. She took out her note book trying to think of a story.

Elizabeth heard some footsteps from behind her.
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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 11:27 am

Hannah was walking around the camp for the third time since she first went there. She was in her jean shorts and pink converses. Hannah had a smile on her face as she said 'hello' to random campers as they walked past her. It was a lovely sunny day and it was a type of day to be happy. Hannah walked into the middle of the cabins and smiled. There sat down by a tree, was a familiar face. It was Elizabeth, Alex's sister. She had met her while in the woods, adventuring and argueing. Hannah smiled and walked over to lizzie. "Hey sorry if I'm interupting but hey."
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 11:50 am

((Hannah she is in the tree))

“Oh hey Hannah you’re interrupting me. I’m just trying to think of an idea for a story, it’s pretty hard because I have written about practically everything in camp and out of camp.” Elizabeth climbed down the tree to greet her face to face. “So besides my story problem, how have you been?” She smiled her regular happy smile she makes often.

“Do you want to talk in the tree? I really like climbing trees, I don’t know why but I guess it is just fun.” She took out her water bottle that she took everywhere and poured it on her head and then she drank some of it. “You want a water bottle I have got like seventy water bottles in my cabin.” Hannah was really cool except for the fact that she weirs pink.
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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 12:15 pm

Hannah smiled when Lizzie greeted her. It was nice to know more people at camp. Lizzie said that she was thinking of ideas to write a story. Hannah liked creative writing but she didn't do it as much as she used to. “Oh I like writing stories but I haven’t go any ideas at the moment, sorry.” Hannah smiled as she watched Lizzie pour water over her head then in her mouth. She offered Hannah a few bottles but Hannah just shook her head. She didn’t need any at the moment. Hannah thought about climbing the tree. She loved climbing trees too. “Well Okay just let me go up first.”

Hannah climbed up the tree within seconds but noticed that she had cut her arm a few times on the way up. Hannah smiled and ignored her minor wounds. She waited for Lizzie to climb up and join Hannah in the tree.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 12:59 pm

Elizabeth smiled watching Hannah climb the tree. “That’s cool I didn’t really expect you to have any ideas I expected you to be having fun here.” She climbed upped as well and took a seat on the highest branch. It was a great view from the tallest branch and it was thinnest one and the strongest. The branch was the weirdest one out of all of them. “So what exactly do you like about camp?”

Elizabeth couldn’t really think of anything else to say so she said that. Hannah was just to cool she barely knew her but she didn’t care.
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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 1:14 pm

Hannah smiled when Elizabeth reached up to the branches and climbed up the tree. It was good to know someone and hang around with them. She had heard from people to watch out for Ares kids, they had bad tempers. Elizabeth wasn’t like that one bit. She seemed kind and cool and it seemed like Elizabeth could be a person to have a laugh with. Elizabeth asked what Hannah liked about camp. Hannah thought about it for a moment and answered Elizabeth’s question. “Well I like loads of things at camp but I love the sound the most. I used to visit beaches with my mom when I was little but after a few years my mom stopped taking me. But when I found out I was a half blood and I found out there was a beach, I have been frequently visiting it for a few days now.” Hannah paused and realised that she was blabbering about herself. “What about you? What do you like about camp?”
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 1:41 pm

“Me, I like all my new friends here and the fact that the beach is never crowded here. You know I have never been to a beach until I came here.” Elizabeth liked talking to her; she was definitely not one of the girls who think that the Ares children are a bunch of punks. “I also like all the trees here I have been in them like 24 seven.” She was happy her hair wasn’t drying as quickly as it usually does. She took her chances and stood up because her back was killing her and she didn’t know why.
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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 1:56 pm

Elizabeth explained what she liked about camp and why she liked it. Hannah nodded intensively as she listened to what Elizabeth had to say. Hannah smiled when Elizabeth had finished. Hannah was happy and content with sitting in the tree but she had to move about to stay comfortable. “Well that’s cool, I like climbing trees but there are hardly any in Manhattan. But I wanted to ask you something. Is there anything I need to know about Alex? It’s just he seems too mysterious and I don’t want to bother him by asking him.” Hannah breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad to get that of her chest.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 2:13 pm

“Well, sorry to say this but we raided your cabin but don’t tell anyone in you cabin that is what makes it fun, plus some people in there are really weird and annoying.” Elizabeth felt bad for her; she didn’t know that was her cabin. “And then they were planning to do it again and then Alex locked me out so I raided your cabin to get back at him, I am so sorry.” Elizabeth said it so fast that she could barely understand what she said.

Elizabeth felt really bad right now. “I never would have done it if I knew it was your cabin and that is why all your stuff is on the roof right now.”
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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 2:33 pm

Hannah laughed when Elizabeth said that she raided Hannah’s cabin. Elizabeth sounded really serious but Hannah couldn’t stop laughing. Hannah then realised that her stuff wasn’t on the roof of the Hermes cabin. That must be someone else’s. “Well I don’t mind anyway. I’m not going to be there long, I hope. But that’s not my stuff on the roof because I checked my stuff before I came out here and it was perfectly fine. You must’ve grabbed someone else’s stuff.” Hannah laughed and stared at Elizabeth. “It’s alright anyway; I know that you’re right about some of the kids in there being weird looking and annoying. They won’t shut their mouths. So whenever I try to get some sleep, I hear someone shouting and it annoys me. But hopefully I won’t be in there for long, you know what I mean?”
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 2:52 pm

“Yea I know what you mean because when I was in there I had this really cool picture in my bag and they were snooping around and they found it an coated entirely black and it was a picture of my dad the only memory of him that I had.” She had a really angry face on because of them. “Hey want to raid your cabin and not touch any of your stuff.” She lifted her eyebrows several times hoping she would think it was a good idea and maybe she would be her sister and then she would stop dating her brother. She smiled again the smile that she didn’t use vary often now.
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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 3:05 pm

Hannah smiled when Elizabeth offered to raid the Hermes cabin and mess people’s stuff up. Hannah thought about it for a second and had to admit, it was a cool idea. It would be funny to find something and then realise that someone wet the bed or something along them lines. Hannah wondered if they were sisters but then that would be really freaky because Hannah was dating Alex and it would be wrong. Hannah thought about it for a while and agreed. “Yeh okay, it would be good to get payback on Hermes kids. Wouldn’t it be funny if we found out that someone peed the bed? That would be hilarious, don’t you think?”
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 3:19 pm

“That would be awesome and if they didn’t we would poor water on the beds to make it look like it.” Elizabeth knew she had a devious mind but she didn’t care only when she went over bored with it and this was not over bored. “So first when are we going to do it because I was thinking after every one is asleep so we can mess with them too. You know I have a tune of shaving cream and razors to shave their heads and then coat there head with shaving cream. Plus I got some syrup and a bucket of feathers and a string.”
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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 3:29 pm

Hannah smiled when Elizabeth said she had a few essentials to sabotage the unclaimed and Hermes kids. Hannah had a devious mind and she could tell that this was going to be epic. Hannah thought about Elizabeth’s proposal. It was a good idea to go at night, when everyone is unaware of the goings on in camp. “Well I think it is a goo idea to do our little sabotage at night. It’s more fun at night. I could get some worms and mud and put it in people’s shoes and bags. I could also grab some people’s shoes and put them in the sound. So when shall I meet you for our little rendezvous?”
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2010, 3:45 pm

"We will meet at sun down so we can make check of all of our stuff." Elizabeth saw some thought she heard something behind them but she didn't. "So I was also thinking we should through there close in to and I have these decress things that the Hephusats kids made for the last sabutosh but I never got to duse them." Elizabeth knew that this was going to be better then any other that she had done. They were going to have a ball getting back at them.
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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2010, 12:58 pm

Hannah smiled when she thought about how epic this was going to be. Sabotage was always the greatest revenge when you want it. “Well okay so I’ll see you at sun down, at this tree. I’ll bring all the things I can find. I could even sneak through Hermes kids’ bags to see if there’s anything we could use. You know what I mean?” Hannah stretched her arms out; she started to get a cramp. “Well what shall we do for now? Well we need something to do before we go with our rendezvous don’t we?” Hannah asked as she reached for a branch and snapped it in half. When a camper walked beneath her, Hannah dropped it on some poor campers head. Hannah laughed and turned back to Elizabeth.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2010, 1:28 pm

Elizabeth was chukling under her breath so the camper couldn't hear. "Ya we do so um how about we ummm, meet back at my cabin and we can play Alexs video games while everyone is at the camp fire. We will also get count on all of our stuff. And don't tell anyone not even your bf this is our time." She through a stick and it hit the aphroditey cabin.
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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2010, 2:31 pm

Hannah laughed when Elizabeth hit the Aphrodite cabin with a stick. It was a good shot, right on top of the cabin roof. It was going to be epic and then they would go to the Ares cabin and play video game, which is Hannah’s way of having a good time. “Well that’s sounds like fun.” Elizabeth told Hannah to keep it a secret, even from Alex. “Of course I’ll keep it a secret. My lips are sealed.” Hannah did a little motion that was zipping up her mouth and throwing away the key. “I can feel this is going to be epic!”
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2010, 3:09 pm

"Definitely, so why not raid some other cabins while we're on a roll." Elizabeth smiled a big and mischievous smile. "What game do you want to play in the Ares cabin?" Elizabeth didn't care he had a tone of games that she loved. She wanted to ask if she wanted to raid her cabin but she didn't want them hating her. "So right now we need to know how we are going to set it up.

Elizabeth started off with, "So what are you going to see what you can find, well anywhere. I am going to look in the Big House that is my main priority for anything.”
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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2010, 4:22 pm

Hannah smiled when Elizabeth explained where she was aiming to sabotage the most. It was going to be cool but they would properly be caught out or something. Hannah didn’t want to think on the negative side but she couldn’t help it. “So you’re aiming for the big house, well I could aim for... I know what I’m aiming for. I’m gonna get Hermes cabin. I won’t get my stuff and I won’t destroy the belongings to the people I know in there. I want to get them back from waking me up at one o’clock in the morning.” Hannah laughed and was getting psychic up for this plan.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: bored to death   bored to death Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2010, 5:30 pm

“I didn’t mean sabotage I meant that is the main place that I get my sabotaging stuff… they have a lot of stuff in the fridge that you wouldn’t be leave like a bucket of feathers and they aren’t on a chicken.” Elizabeth went to the last branch on the top of the tree, she loved heights and would go as high as gravity would let her. “Come up here there is a huge difference in the view.” She thought that this was going to be so much fun seeing all the work to girls could do together. She overheard some boys in her cabin say that girls could never pull off a raid without at least one boy there.

“I can’t wait to prove those idiots wrong,” Elizabeth mumbled to herself. She was going to try to make this the raid of the year. She wished she had a cat for specific reasons that involve milk and their butts. She couldn’t stop laughing until she saw a Hermes kid sit right under the tree they were sitting in. “Do you want to talk about this some were more privet?”

She grabbed her water bottle and slid down the tree. “Are you coming or not.” She didn’t know where she just knew it was going to be some place people don’t come too often. She thought and then said “do you have any idea where we should go all I know is that we need it to be where no one goes to vary often.
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