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 The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare

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Posts : 278
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Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 8:01 am

Makayla was laid on her bed staring up at the ceiling of the empty Cabin. She wished her father would hurry up and claim someone soon just for the sake of her not been the only Hades kid around. It would make things so much easier for her and it would give her something to do. She wished a lot of things that never came true. At the moment she was wishing that she had never ran away from home. Maybe that way she wouldn’t have ended up at Camp... but then she wouldn’t have been made immortal would she. She picked up the pen and pad of paper that was next to her on it was a list of pros and cons of been an immortal, so far she had only thought of one on each.
Pros: Never die.
Cons: Never die.

She was sure there were loads more but she couldn’t be bothered listing them. She ripped the piece of paper off of the pad, screwed it into a ball and threw it towards the bin in the corner of the room. It fell short and she left it, there was no point in cleaning up the cabin yet, inspection wasn’t due for another few days. She got off of her bed and started heading towards the door when she heard a light rapping sound of someone knocking She wondered who it would be seeing as she had hardly talked to anyone since she had gotten back from the underworld.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 10:08 pm

Theo had a spray can in his hand, he whistled along to 'come fly with me' by Frank sinatra. That man was a true genuis. He was more musical than any Apollo kid and more of a genisus than all the Athena kids combined. He wrote on the Ares cabin You fail timmwittteed monkeys he misspelld it onperpios to throw them off this trail and onto a Hermes kids. Just as he fished corssing the T someone yelled, "you snotnosed punk!" Alarms were shooting off in Theo's head and he RAN! He droped the can and ent full track style run. While someone behind him called "Dude look what he did. GET 'EM!" He could only laugh so much at them while running for his life.

He shot past the Zues cabin after running around the camp twice and caught the Hades cabin in his line of sight. He threw the door open and cammando rolled in. He sat with his back to the door, eyes closed panting. He heard voices and people run past the cabin sounding pissed. "That was with good reason you dunderheads." The Ares kids had beat up one of Theo's closest friends Tim, a nine year old Athenian boy. Theo smiled and after his breath returned to normal opened his eyes only to see a girl in there. He was confussed.... last time he cheaked there were no kids -other than a 14 yearold boy who was gone name.... Nick?- of Hades. "ummm errrr sorry for invading your cabin ma'am."
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 5:50 am

Makayla watched with Slight amusement as a kid rolled into her cabin. She smiled evilly and raised one of her eyebrows, waiting for some sort of explanation. "Ummm errrr sorry for invading your cabin ma'am." Makayla's smile grew more prominent on her face as she decided how she was going to react. She decided to be nice, the kid might be useful for something so she said. "It’s Okay... I guess. Who ya running from?"

She walked over to the blacked out windows and saw a load of Ares kids swarming around camp. They seemed irritated and obviously looking for the someone who was in her Cabin. "Ares Kids? Really? What did you do? In fact what did they do for you to mess with them?" Her normally gloomy mood had been replaced by entertainment and amusement and Makayla was wondering if she should yell for the Ares kids to come to her cabin. It would be fun to see what they would do to the kid, but then it meant that Makayla would have to get involved in some camp rivalry and she wasn’t in the mood for that. It would take up way too much of her time. Turning back to the kid she said, “I’m Makayla, immortal daughter of Hades. And you would be??"
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 6:19 am

"Ares kids." He heard the voices come closers, with that he jumped. He jumped and spun in there air, so when he landed he was now facing the door on one knee. He gripped his knife that had been tied to his right leg. He tensed as it looked like the door was being opened ever so. Than he heard, "dude don't go in there. It's Hades cabin." With that the foot steps left and the door snaped close. He stood up and spun back around, "they beat up a friend of mine. Tim the ten year old Atheaniean child. So I kinda screwed with there cabin to get even. Unknown to them the paint won't come off for weeks, and it can't be painted over." It had cost him quiet a bit but it had been worth it. He exerpertly fliped his knife into the air, and plucked it out of the air he put it back into it's sheath.

Looking back to the girl he said, "Hello Maykala i'm Theo." When she said her title Theo couldn't help but flinch as if someone had phsicaly hit him. "Sorry the use of tittles annoy me so. But as the newbies around here say.... I am unclaimed." He bitterly muttered, "and have been for the last eight years." After awhile he had started to resent the gods and evreything they stand for. "So immortal... was it truly a blessing or was it a curse?" Dean had always been around immortals Chirons, the Syatar elders ect.. ect... most saying immortailty was a blessing. But for those who were turned to an immortal usually were indifferent or hated it. Theo nodded to the girl, "thanks for not selling me out. Like you had planned to." He saw how the girls eye had flickered to the Ares kids and grin had appered. Theo never trusted other right off the bat, though he may seem like a peacefull dunderhead. His mind never stoped running at a billion miles an hour, so he had seen when she looked like she was about to do.
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 6:56 am

"They beat up a kid? That’s just lame... They should pick on someone their own size... Or are they scared they'd get beaten and embarrass there daddy?" Makayla said remembering why she used to ignore the Ares kids before she was immortal. "Bet I could beat them now..." She muttered under her breath, her blue eyes turning pure black, a sign of anger. She focussed on calming down. Her eyes went back to blue, but it had black specks in it. She needed to sort something out about her anger before it got the better of her. "You've been here eight years? How come I don't recognise you then?" She asked, anything that would distract her was good. It would stop her from going crazy and trying to kill someone. That someone been an Ares Kid of course.

"Ermm... Immortality a curse or a blessing? I don’t really know yet. I haven’t been an immortal for all that long. It has its good points and its bad points. Like the fact I’ll never die. That’s both good and bad. Good cos I’ll never die. Bad cos everyone I know will die. I’ll have to live with that forever." Makayla shrugged at that. She knew that death wasn’t the worst thing in the world. But for some reason the thought of dying still scared her.

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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 7:11 am

Theo nocicing her not saying anything about her almost selling him out. He looked at her, "these Ares kids aren't hard to beat if you have proper training, or if they don't out number your one to say a hundred." He looked out the window to see most the Ares kids were gone, but a few were still searching. Without looking back to her he spoke, "no. I have ben at camp three years, i've been training and surviving for the last eight. I came here around my seventh birthday, and left when I was nine. I've only just returned." He didn't say why. But a monster the likes of which he had never seen before had attacked him and his father. Theo after beating it down ran away, he would reather lose this life that put his fahter in danger. He was the only TRUE faimly he had left. He had a step faimly but none respected him too much.

Theo nodded, "so what did you become inmmortal, and how long have you been immortal?" Theo was intristed to know why she had become an immortal. Was if a gift/curse form her father? Or punishment for existing sent form Zues? He also wanted to know how long she has been around, maybe she had been alive during WWII. If she did live thought that she would probally have great insight he hoped she would share. He looked at her waiting for an awnser, while he wait his hand went to his knife. He drew it out and started to throw it into the air, and while is started to fall plucking it out of the air. After a few times he started doing this apsentmindly. Not paying attention to his hand that was throwing or catching the knife.
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 8:01 am

"I wouldn’t have to worry about been outnumbered by anyone. I have my dad’s skeleton warriors for help." She said, referring to his don’t worry about an Ares kid speech.

"So what did you become immortal, and how long have you been immortal?" Makayla smiled at Theo's curiosity. "Well... I can't tell you why I became immortal, that’s classified information. As for how long I've been immortal. Since my 16th birthday last year. December 24th birthdays suck... Somehow everyone seemed too busy with Christmas to even say Happy Birthday to me..." She said, sounding slightly childish on the last part. She really did hate her birthday.

"If you got the chance would you choose Immortality over mortality?" Makayla asked, deciding it was her turn to ask a question.

((sorry.. its kinda short compared to all the rest XD))
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 8:19 am

Theo shrugged, "good point there." He smiled to show her he was kiding and said, "fine be that way." Looking up at the cieling he said, "ya demcember birthdays must suck, with the rush of christmas and evreything." He thought and said, "I would chose immortality. But not for the reasons evreyone else would. First my friends are few so when they died I would know they were going to a better place. Second I could go to hades and vist them for Hades could do nothing if I was immortal. Third I would maintain my youth forever, never growing old always keeping your mobility. Like Peter Pan, the boy who shall never grow old."
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 8:44 am

"My Dad could do plenty to stop you from visiting people in Hades. Plus it’s his domain; he can stop whoever he wants. And some of those reasons are kinda selfish. But I guess immortality is a selfish thing itself." Makayla said smiling. Then she asked another random question. "Do you ever wonder why your godly parent never claimed you? Like do you hate them for it? I used to. I used to resent the gods. When i placed an offering in the fire for them I used to mutter curses at them all. I don't see the point of having children if you’re not going to pay attention to them." She walked over to her bed and sat down on it wondering what she would be doing now if she wasn’t claimed. She would have probably started a rebellion against the gods, try to end their rule over the world.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 9:11 am

"No. The ancient laws forbid immortals stoping other immortals from doing as they wish." Theo looked at her, his eye filled with the pain of not know for years. "I do not care for whoever she may be. After three years I just stoped caring. But now I resent the gods and evreything they stand for." Theo glared at the roof, as if he was able to see though it to the sky. "Honestly if I ever DID get claimed -and I highly doubt I will. I would just take five steps to my left and contiune with what i'm doing. Not even looking up." He than smiled a ther, "i've stoped giving the gods sacrafices all together. But I must have had several dozen siblings claimed this year. So the only thing I can think of it that she hates me and or my father for some reason.
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 9:38 am

"Yes... but it’s his lair and if your there your there to stay... he wasn't too pleased when Percy got away, I doubt he'd be pleased about another person." Makayla said smiling. She felt kinda bad for Theo when he told her what he's do if he got claimed and that. But it passed. She wasn't the most sympathetic person in the world. Whilst she was trying to think of something to say she pulled her scythe charm out of her pocket and fiddled with it. It could turn into a proper full sized scythe with a sword attached in the handle that she could pull out. She had called it Reaper as it reminded her of the Grim Reaper.

((Again.. Crappy post... i think my muse is falling asleep))
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 10:10 am

Again Theo shrruged, "again I must say Percy was not immortal just invunbarile. Immoral never aging never dying you would be able to walk freely in his domain. Not that I would... if I was immortal I would try to get away form the gods as much as I could." He looked up and said, "oh have you been keeping up with the world cup? Soccor?" He was hoping to find someone who was with him on watching the world cup. He had to pay a few HErmes kids but he got a miniportible T.V. for a bit. "The American team made it out of there group, which I thought would never happen seeing as all the refs hate them." Theo was consumed with thoughts of being a famious soccor player one day, that was his dream. He than saw her sythe charm, "cool. I have a Trident hidden in the Hermes cabin. It's about a foot tall, but once I grab it it changes to be six feet tall. A very good and well made weapon. I only wish I knew the creator to thank them for the gift. I had found it in the hephy forge just throw into a cornor under s sheild. It was slightly rusted, but I was able to get back to being perfect after a few days."
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 10:29 am

"World cup? Yeah... kinda... But not all that much. Mostly i just listen to the scores on the radio. I think i watched the USA vs. England game... It was a draw wasn't it?" Makayla said smiling. She didn't exactly like soccer all that much but when it was the world cup she tended to get into it. She also got rather competitive. She looked out of the window again and saw all the Ares kids had gone back to their cabin and seemed to be trying to wash something off of it. "What did you do to their cabin?" She asked curiously. "Cos whatever you did they don't seem to like. And it don't look like it’s gonna come off.... You're gonna get into trouble if Chiron or Mr. D see that."
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 10:41 am

Theo sighed, "if only chiron was here. I really look up to that guy, but apperently the newbies drove him off. even he couldn't take these people" the sorrow in his voice was easilbily detecabile. Chiron was one of the few immortals Theo didn't tottaly hate. He was kinda and pacient when teaching kids. He even remeber once when he was eight chiron had been teaching arcerrey. Theo's arrow had flown off corse and had hit Chiron in the horse leg. "But paint was something speical I bought off Hermes kd for ALOT. When if comes to my friends I don't screw around. But it will take months before it dissaperes all together."
((Sorry it sucks i'm watching mythbusters.))
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 10:45 am

((XD havent you watched all of the episodes yet?? I'll post a reply in a bit... Just watching the rest of my Naruto episode XDD))

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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 8:25 am

((Sorry bout that... my internet died and then my stepmum turned it off.))

"Chiron’s gone? How? He wouldn't have let something as small as irritating newbie’s get in his way... there’s something more going on. Something we don't know about." Makayla said frowning. Chiron would never leave. Ever. He as only immortal for as long as he was a teacher at Camp... And if he wasn't here that meant there was trouble elsewhere. Her eyes turned black again, showing the anger about not knowing what the hell was going on. She hated not knowing things. It irritated her more than anything. CALM DOWN!!! Her mind screamed at her and with difficulty she asked Theo through gritted teeth, "You said the paint wouldn't come off for month’s right? What about painting over it? Would that work?" Her hands balled into fists closing over the scythe charm so she wouldn’t be tempted to use it.
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

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The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2010, 8:13 pm

He opened his eyes slowly as he sat up from where he laid. His whole body felt achy and sore.
"What happened? Where am i?" the boy said as wiped the crusts from his eyes. He struggle to stand on his feet, but he managed with help from a tall pine tree. His eyes widened.
"Whoa... where the heck am i?" He said again. He was surrounded by trees. He was in the woods, but where in the woods? Which woods?
"I gotta get out of here."
"[i]Genesis" a voice whispered in the boys head. He looked around not knowing what was happening. As he took a step, he felt a heavy object thump his shoes. Genesis looked down and saw a long black steel sword.
"A samurai sword?" Genesis said surprised, "Okay... i really need to find out what happened to me." Genesis picked up the sword and headed deeper into the forest.
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Laura Arai
Laura Arai

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The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2010, 8:21 pm

((Sorry but you can't roleplay until your character has been accepted and this isn't the woods, it's the Hades Cabin))
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

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PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2010, 10:52 pm

ooh hehe umm.. so how do i get accepted, daughter of Athena?
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Laura Arai
Laura Arai

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The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 28th 2010, 11:55 am

((Well first please put all OOC posts in double parentheses like I'm doing now ;D. Second there's a character sheet in the Basics forum (I believe) and you need to fill that out. Be sure you've read the rules before creating it though! Then once you've completed it just send it to me in a PM! Thanks ^-^))
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

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Location : the river styx

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PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 28th 2010, 8:40 pm

*walks into the Hades cabin* hmm... i'm not sure if i belong here... wheres the smithy?
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Laura Arai
Laura Arai

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PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitimeJune 28th 2010, 8:45 pm

((Hey you can't post like that~ You have to write it like you did your roleplay sample and all roleplays need to be in 3rd character plus 100 words 5 sentances~))
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PostSubject: Re: The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare   The Cabin of Death- Enter.... if you dare Icon_minitime

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