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 I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))

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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 4:09 pm

Elizabeth was walking to the Amphitheatre and grabbed her water bottle that was for some reason on the ground. "That was weird it was at my cabin... cool I have a magical water bottle." She continued to walk on. She reached the doors and saw that no one was performing like they usually are. "Well that is really unusual were is every one?" She continued to walk to a front roe seat were you could barely see the top of the stage. "Is any one here there is supposed to be music night it's written on my calindor." She heard foot steps behind her.
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 8:35 pm

Skyler had decided to go visit the Amphitheater to take her mind of sa few things, and of course kick some battle dummy butt. She tapped a small button on the top of her silver bracelet and a Dagger appeared in her hands, The she still wanted a Bow and a couple good arrows she'd have to visit the Armory later, find a good one that magically turned into a bracelet like her Dagger, she just found it convient thats all.

Skyler began to try all her knew moves on a dummy, slashing and stabbing, of course, she couldn't exactly test them out the way she wanted to considering the Dummie's couldn't fight back, and were made of straw.As she was working on a few new techniques, she heard a voiice come from somewhere in the building, "Is any one here there is supposed to be music night it's written on my calender." It had said.
Sky looked up and moved some locks of blnde hair out of her face and behind her ear. "Hello." She said to the girl, Feeling a bit shy at the moment. "Thats tonight, Yes, last I checked it was only three in the afternoon." Sky said looking at the girl with her Piercing dark blue eyes. As if to warn her, 'I may look sweet hun, but trust me im like a snake, ready to strike as soon as you make the wrong move.' That was the reason Sky didn't have many friends, They all hated her for her attitude. Like it was her fault thats the way she was born. 'Psh, people these days..'
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 9:49 pm

((we are in the amphitheatre not the armery.))

"There is a time on it and it said now." She turned around and saw a girl. "Well I haven't seen you yet so my names is Elizabeth Dalai the Ares kid so who are you. She smiled at the girl with her water bottle in her hand. She was going to go to the wood later she needed some training done.

"So why you are here no one else is well besides me, duh." She glanced at the stage hoping that someone was here besides her and that girl. She seemed really sweet and nothing like the girly girls in the Ares cabin.
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 10:18 pm

((Oh.. Oops! Ignore the whole dummy thing! haha!! Sorry sorry sorry! Embarassed ))

Skyler jumped down from the stage, she had just been sitting there, listening to her ipod, Waiting for the things that were supposed to happen here, well, Happen. She tucked her ipod into her pocket and glanced at the girl again, who had said her name was Elizabeth. Sky swiped her bangs out of her dark blue eyes, and wiped her hands on her short jean shorts, and straightened her Blue Fall out boy T-shirt. She began walking towards the girl. "Hello Elizabth Dalai. I am Skyler Harley." Sky found it absolutely annoying when people used titles '[/i] Oh I got claimed Im, going to rub it in your face you unclaimed newbie person you![/i]' was how Skyler pictured them saying instead. "Oh, Ares, that cool.. I guess." She muttered, she didn't exactly have a thing for the god of war, nothing against him personally, he just didn't... appeal to her at all. Oh well, many of the gods and goddesses didn't, Well yet anyway.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 10:49 pm

"Sorry about the whole title thing I really have got to stop saying that to people, and I am not even fond of it I just do it." She poored some water on her head. "Do you want some water I carry 3 in my sword thing when I don't need my sword." She looked like a nice girl and nothing like the other girls in her cabin, they were probably meant to go to Aphridities cabin. She was probabley going to make another friend here, she was really good at it only one enemy and he left so she was happy.

She took out the water bottle and gave it to her for if she got thirsty or hot. She drank out of her water bottle (Elizabeth's) and then let her body slide to the ground. she laid there and spoke "do you like climbing trees and raiding cabins?" Elizabeth took her hair out from under her head and let it sit while she poored more water on it. "So how long have you been here?"
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 10:54 pm

Skyler took the water bottle. "Uhmm, Thanks. Uh I've been here for a year, well Two summers, so yea." She stood there leaning against the stage, she swiped her bangs from her eyes again. "Climbing trees? Yea sure. Raiding cabins? Why not. " She said to answer her question. "You ask a lot of questions ya know kid. Just watch what you ask. Alright..?" She said and set the bottle on the stage, as she leaned against it, folding her arms. "How long have you been here?" She asked, really not to anxious in being this girl's friend, if she always acted this... Nice? Friendly? Skyler just wasn't that kind of girl who was.. girly? She was more of the mean, stay in the shadow's kind a girl. On, that most people feared, though there was nothing to be afraid of.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 11:07 pm

"Only one summer not much. And I'm not a kid... well that is what my dad says he calls me a tween kinda creepy but whatever I don't really care as long as I don't have to were pink." Elizabeth shivered at the thought of her in pink, she would barf instently. "I try not to ask so many questions I just try to start conversations.I just alwasestart a conversation like that alwase questions it's kinda hard for me to think of something to say with out making it a question." Oh great now I am taking about questions what am I stupid. Elizabeth had never been so nervise talking to someone but she seemed different then the rest of the people she would talk to.
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 11:13 pm

Skyler nodded and just listened, "So Elizabeth. Can I call you lizzy. Anyway, Lizzy, You mention Raiding cabins, Its not a bad Idea, Might as well put some use into this Camp. I wonder what this place would be like on Halloween, that would be Epic. In case you didn't catch my drift, Halloween's my favorite Holiday, its amazing. anyways, Lets raid some cabins what do you say?" She asked and grinned deviously, she was a great pick pocketer and sneaker. Most people always find her so innocent, that is until she has them pinned against the wall screaming bloody murder. She said and stood up straighter, "We can gather a few Hermes kids, as much as i hate those suckers, to help us. If you want. If not, if you don't want to we can hang out. Just chill maybe Stay here.. or whatever."
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 11:25 pm

"Ohh I am so in any time someone asks me that the answer is alwase yes and I have a ton of razer blads and this decloser thing that the Hephusants kids made."Elizabeth shot up with a deviuse grin just like Sky's. "You know I could ask my bro Alex to lend a hand I am sure that he will like that. But he does tend to bet bossey like this one time he kicked me out because I was sprinkuling cheeze on him and called him a counsler pizza because he said he was the counsler and was telling me what to do.I know it is a long story but there are different parts that make it even longer."
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 11:36 pm

Sky made a face "Oh Please, Not him. I met him already, and Don't tell him I said this, But he is so Child-ish, considering his an ares kid and all. Puh-lease." She rolled her eyes, "Ya Know, I can learn to like you kid.. uh.. Lizzy. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against your father, it's most you Ares kids get on my nerves." She rolled her eyes again. "No Need for razer blades, I have a couple good tricks up my sleeve." She said. At random, she began to list of gods and goddess she disliked, or couldn't stand leaving only a few she liked, though she deiced to keep those few to herself although those few were : Zues, Hades, Nyx, Hecate, and Eris. Though who knew if any of them were her mother or father?
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 11:56 pm

"Well ok but man you are so right about my bro he is just weird he sang California Girls when we raided... a cabin." Elizabeth smiled a smile that read out 'we raided your cabin'. "You good with a nife I have an idea in my head and it will be really cool if we do it. Oh and that reminded me about the time I set Alex's close adrift." She had and evil smile on her face now saying I have an idea of who's cabin we can raid. "So witch cabin are you thinking we should raid cause I have another idea." She poored more water on her hair. "I was thinking we shoud meet back in the center of the cabins at midnight to start our plan and it includes Alex but he wont raiding." She made another smile.
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 12:03 am

"I'll Ask my friend Theo if He'd like to join in, and please leave your brotehr out of the raid. Ans yea meet up at midnight, the center of the cabins." She said already a plan forming, "Alright I was thinking of Raiding the Res cabin.. But thats sorta your vcabin, so we go for the Hermes cabin, just as soon as I hid my stuff.. I don't want us ruining it all." She said and laughed. "Bring whatever messy, gooey, cool stuff you can get your hands on alright! This will be Epic! Raid of the century!" She laughed again.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 12:22 am

"I know Theo and I was thinking my cabin to just not my stuff and we could give Alex a little hair cut." Elizabeth poored more water on her hair and laughed a really creepy laugh. "Plus the Hermes cabin is your cabin for now so it would be the same thing and I alwase raid that cabin." She wanted to try something different than the Hermes cabin that place was getting old.

"So my cabin or hermes where we can't do anything to my childish brother who acts like he is younger than me and I can't get pay back for what he has done to me." She was trying to persway her to do her cabin so she could laugh at the suckers as soon as they woke up. "Oh and I might also get this girl Hannahs help with it... wait never mind she is dating Alex."
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 12:29 am

"Or We can do Both, Boy that would be Epic! Aw C'mon We can either do Hermes, and get abunch of theive kids after us, oooh they might steal out money oh no so scared. Or Ares, who will just whoop our buts, OR we can do both! and watch them fight with each other, and stuff!" SHe laugehd just as creepy as Lizzy Did, "You Know even though I'm most likely Not Ares daughter Your pretty Cool Liz, Your kinda like my weird creepy sister. Which none of my foster sisters are. Trust me I have plenty of 'em.." She rolled her eyes and laughed again. "Hey Lizzy Can I tell you a secret real Quick?" She said, All serious now, as the topic had came up, a moment ago. She kinda hoped that Elizabeth wouldn't ask about her foster family or past etc. etc.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 12:40 am

"Sure why not you can tell me what ever and I wont tell a soul. But that would be so cool yea lets do bothit will be so cool to watch that and I mean stealing our money puh lease that is just weak I can think of 50 other better ideas than that." She stood up and wiped the durt of her pants and poored more water in her hair supprized that it wasn't empty yet. "That is the weirdest thing my water bottle still isn't empty is it magic or something?"

"You were saying and yes you can call me that." Laughing in her head about how long it took her just to get that sentence out.
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 12:46 am

Skyler rolled her eyes, "You said you know Theo right? Well I meet him earlier today for the first time. I'm not sure why I never saw him in the Hermes cabin before though. Oh wait it because there are to many damn kids..." She said and rolled her eyes again, She Sighed, distracted by her own thoughts, "Anyways, I .. well.. I sorta have a little crush on him. Ok what am I saying, I mean a major Crush. But he doesn't know, and your the only one who does, and I kinda want it to stay that way. I mean we both like the same things, and he's really nice, and he seamed to like me kinda I'm not sure.. But still! He's so cute!"
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 12:58 am

"Secret is safe with me, wont tell a soul, I sware. Now back to the raid what do you have in mind? Sorry another question but this is a raid I need my fax." She went up to the stage and took a seat. "Well I am now ofishialy happy that they didn't make the performance today. And eather way they weren't even that good."

"If you saw the last thing they did it wasn't the best or even good." Elizabeth flinched and got up on the stage.
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 12:31 pm

"Well For starters, I have a little idea, That I got from watching a movie. Ever seen the Parent Trap? here the one girl trashes the other girls cabin? Thats exactly what I have in mind, Water balloons, Syrup, Feathers, Spray paint, the whole lot!" She said excitedly. "This will be soo cool! Just wear all black and Meet me at the center of the cabins at Midnight alright? I gotta go take care of a few things." She said and jumped down from the stage and began walking towards the exit. "By Lizzy!"
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 1:11 pm

"Yea I have seen it and I can take care of the feathers and suryp and some other stuff. Later Sky meet you there." Elizabeth ran off tords her cabin with a smirk on her face that she had to hide from her brothers and sisters. "I am going to have so much fun I just can't wait. She reached the door and was trying to get that smile off her face.
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PostSubject: Re: I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))   I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler)) Icon_minitime

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I am Bored someone save me ((Skyler))
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