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 You call this fighting?(Open)

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You call this fighting?(Open) Empty
PostSubject: You call this fighting?(Open)   You call this fighting?(Open) Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2010, 3:06 pm

Duffy walked through the armory, looking around. She was giving herself a self-tour of camp so she would know which places to avoid. After all, there was no sense of learning all this with time when she could save herself from pain and torment by looking around in advance.

That day Duffy was wearing a blue shirt and a black skirt. To top it all off she had on white converse and a black fedora. She also had a blue streak in her hair.

Duffy admired the many weapons on the wall. They were all very pretty, but she couldn't imagine fighting with any of them. She really couldn't imagine fighting at all. The thought of exerting force to kill things did not appeal to her. She knew she would have to fight eventually, but not now.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 28
Location : I'm not a GPS

You call this fighting?(Open) Empty
PostSubject: Re: You call this fighting?(Open)   You call this fighting?(Open) Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2010, 4:06 pm

Theo had been in the armory. He stood before a dummy that seemed to be mortally wounded. He held his trident across his body, sweat covered his whole body. He had been out here in the blazing sun for quite sometime. "Ahhhhhh" he called as he slammed the staf of his trident onto the dummys neck, than than pulled back and spered it into the gut. He let go of the trident and slamed his elbow into the neck of his immagiary oppoent. He put his right foot behind the it and spun/crossed behind it where he slamed his knee into the back of it. With that he combat rolled to the front of it where he ripped the trident out. His breaths now came in rapped gasps of air.

He picked up his trident and slamed it point up, down onto the ground. It didn't slam into the ground caseing a crack, it slid upwartds into the other part of the staff of his trident. Theo had asked the hephy kid to make it so when he clciked a button the trident's staff would stood out and make his 6 foot weapon. But when not fighting it was alittle taller than one foot tall. He asked the hephy kid to make it nonmagical. The staff came out by the work of a piston, that when hit with the button shot out and hit the staff focing it down.

When he looked up he saw some girl staring at the weapons rack. Walking up to her right ge looked up at the weapons and said, "do you think you would be able to use any of these?" He knewthe girl was new that fact was easy enough to figure out. He than asked "when did you arrive at camp, if you don't mind me asking?" Was this her first day or was it it just her first time in the armory?
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You call this fighting?(Open)
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