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A roleplaying site based off of Rick Riordans series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians
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 A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)

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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeAugust 31st 2010, 1:14 pm

Magnus had just settle moving all his belonging into his new cabin; The Heracles Cabin. He didn't have much to move, only his bag of clothes and his speed bag set. He was able to set up the speed bag nicely at the end of the cabin wall.
The cabin was nearly empty, no other students, only him and a bunch of empty bunk beds. A nice back open view of the woods and beach. Awesome he thought.
His father was Heracles, also known as Hercules, the son of Zeus. One of the great heroes of old, and now Magnus was the son of that hero and the grandson of Zeus. That probably explains the flash of blue light that he emitted from his word, or maybe that was something else entirely. Well whatever it was, he decided not to think about it. He had to go look for his friend; Makayla.

" do i find you, Makayla?" Magnus thought about it for a moment.
"Oh, i know!" A light bulb went on in his head. With a deep breath, Magnus yelled out at the edge of his lungs.

"MAKAYLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the name echoed through out the camp, hopefully she heard him.
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2010, 5:03 pm

((XD My internet keeps getting unplugged before i have the chance to post!! I'll try now though! XD Im gonna assume this is either the same day as the fight or the day after... XD))

"MAKAYLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Her name echoed around camp, waking her up with a start. She groaned and pulled her pillow over her head, "Go away..." She mumbled. A moment later she jumped out of bed, as she recognised the voice. "Gah...Magnus...hahaha...Must have found his cabin..." She muttered. She glanced down at the clothes she had fallen asleep in, the same she was wearing when she was fighting Magnus earlier. She had come back to her cabin and practically collapsed onto her bed and fallen asleep. Her clothes were wayyy crumpled and creased, even though she didn't think she'd been asleep that long. She sighed, quickly got changed into a new pair of skinny's and a long sleeved black and white t-shirt (, to hide the scars from the fight. They were kinda faint but they were still there), ran a brush through her hair then pulled on her converse and ran out of her cabin, startling a few passersby. She looked around, frowning, trying to figure out which direction Magnus' voice came from.

((It's not the best post i've written..Its like 10pm here though...and i'm kinda tired... XD))
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 2nd 2010, 8:31 pm

((haha aww sleepy head, go get some sleep then =p))

Magnus had a black muscle t-shirt on and dark blue jeans. His feet was protected by black slippers and his hair was as random as it always was.
Magnus walked outside of his cabin, still calling to Makayla, he finally spotted her. Her dark hair was beautiful and black. Straight and silky. my goodness, shes cute. the thought ran through his head.
Magnus waved at Makayla so that she could spot him.

"Makayla! Over here!" Magnus called out to his friend, waving frantically with his hands.
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 3rd 2010, 11:34 am

((XD hahaha...I went to sleep...eventually....XD))

"Makayla! Over here!" Magnus yelled from somewhere in front of her. She frowned against the glare of the sunlight in her eyes and eventually found where Magnus was, waving to catch her attention. She smiled and headed over. It felt weird actually walking for once through the cabin area, she normally just shadow travelled to wherever she was going.
"Hiiiii..." She said smiling. “ you found your new cabin then?” She asked, glancing at the cabin behind him... “Coolio... ” She couldn’t really think of anything else to say so she just fiddled with her scythe, which was in its key ring form.

((Hmmm...Since the Heracles cabin wasn’t described in the book, does that mean that you get to pick what it looks like? And yeah...sorry for the naff muse is hiding down the drain. XD))
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 4th 2010, 12:46 am

((haha good that you found some sleep. i just got back from Disneyland. soo tired. about the not sure yet, waiting for laura haha owells.))

As Makayla finally reached Magnus, he invited her in his cabin. It was roomy and large, maybe because there were no other campers who dwelled there.
Magnus gave Makayla a grand tour of his empty cabin. There were 22 bunk beds, 11 bunks on each side of the cabin. Magnus bunk was at the very end of the hallway, on the right, near the window. The room was clean and the air smelled new. None of the tables and chairs were used. The sheets and blankets were new too. At the end of the cabin was a doorway that led to another room, it was a little gym, with 5 bench sets, each with their own complete weight set. 20 sets of dumbells, and 4 hanging punching bags with matted floors, all clean, and all new. The resistance bands were connected to the walls, next to the dumbells. There was a drinking fountain near the entrance of the weight room and 3 speed bags set up next it.

After the tour, Magnus pulled a seat for Makayla to sit. They were sitting at the table near the entrance of the cabin. This was cool, giving a tour of his cabin to someone he trusted. Someone he could relate to. A friend.

"Oh, i got something for us, hang on." Magnus said excitedly and went to where his bag was. He pulled out a 2liter bottle with yellow liquid in it ( I hope she doesn't think its....) Magnus train of thought wondered off as he grabbed two plastic cups, and a bag of ice and ran back to Makayla.
Magnus put some ice in both cups and handed one to Makayla.

"Okay, this yellow drink is called Guarana, it's Brazilian soda!" Magnus said with a genuine smile, "It's gooooood." He poured some into Makayla's cup first and then into his own.

"Yeah, i brought a bottle of it with me from home before i came here. It reminds me of home. Since then Ive been keeping it iced in my miniature igloo, in my bag of clothes. Kind of silly, huh? This is one of my favorite drinks, and i wish to share it with you. Well... cheers!" Magnus said and tipped her cup and drank his Brazilian soda. His face made a childish expression as the fizz kicked in his mouth.

"mmmmmmmmmm! That is yummie. Thanks Makayla, for coming." MAgnus said to her, there was a look of sadness in his eyes, but he hid it well with his smile.
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2010, 7:21 am

((gahh...Sorry it's taking me so long to post..I was reading and then I was busy on other sites and then our internet was down all yesterday apart from like 10 seconds in the morning...I'll try and post tonight though...(can't post atm, got a billion and one chores to do XD))

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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2010, 7:22 pm

(( haha okay, no worries. take your time. =]))
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2010, 6:48 am

((couldn't get on last night to post...sorry XD))

"Oh, i got something for us, hang on." Magnus said getting up after he had showed her around his cabin. It was pretty cool, nothing like her cabin though, but it was still cool. he pulled out a yellow drink, it looked like some sort of fizzy orange or pinapple juice, or some other kind of thing..She let that thought trail off.
"Okay, this yellow drink is called Guarana, it's Brazilian soda!" Magnus said smiling."It's gooooood.
"Yeah, i brought a bottle of it with me from home before i came here. It reminds me of home. Since then Ive been keeping it iced in my miniature igloo, in my bag of clothes. Kind of silly, huh? This is one of my favorite drinks, and i wish to share it with you. Well... cheers!
"mmmmmmmmmm! That is yummie. Thanks Makayla, for coming."

Makayla smiled slightly. Magnus seemed kinda hyper, but that was probably because he had just been claimed and such. "It gets irritating after a while you know. Having the cabin to yourself and not having any siblings." She said out of nowhere really. She stared at the drink in her hand, not looking up at Magnus. "You can't really talk to anyone..."

((sorry its really bad, my friends just come for me....))
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2010, 6:25 pm

(( haha its all good.))

"It gets irritating after a while you know. Having the cabin to yourself and not having any siblings." Makayla said, "You can't really talk to anyone..."

Magnus sipped his drink and looked at Makayla, "I think you're right, Makayla." Magnus said, "about IT being irritating without any siblings, without anyone to talk with." Magnus put his cup down, thinking of the right words to say.

"But you know... even though I'm the only one here, right now... it's all good, because at least, i know i'm not the only misfit here without any siblings." Magnus smiled at Makayla, "and also, i have a super cool friend like you hangin out with me."
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2010, 3:35 pm

"But you know... even though I'm the only one here, right now... it's all good, because at least, i know i'm not the only misfit here without any siblings." Magnus said, smiling. "And also, i have a super cool friend like you hangin out with me."

Makayla smiled properly now. "Hahahaha...You're kidding right? Me super cool? Nawww...I'm...Well i'm not normal, but i'm not cool either. Really. Im just....just...just me..." She said. Amazingly even though Makayla was immortal and a daughter of Hades, she didn't really like to brag and her ego isn't mega big, like a lot of peoples. "You're cool though...Heracles is a pretty cool god, and I think its pretty unusual that he claims a child, so you're officially cool...not that you weren't before you got claimed like...but still..." She shrugged her shoulders and took a sip of the Soda stuff. It was okay, she wasn't a big fizzy drink fan, prefering water and stuff, but as far as fizzy drinks went this was okay. "Sooo...How did you arrive at camp then? What happened to make you have to come here?" She asked, changing the subject a bit.
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2010, 11:43 pm

Magnus laughed and giggled when he heard Makayla say that she wasn't cool. Was she serious? Magnus thought, she was really cool. And really, relaxed. That was nice that she was the way she was. She Made Magnus feel comfortable, and that Magnus could tell her anything.

"Sooo...How did you arrive at camp then? What happened to make you have to come here?" Makayla asked Magnus. What happen...hmm... Magnus thought about those words, alot happened, but where should he start. Magnus gathered himself and sat himself on one of the bunk beds, facing Makayla.

"Well, let's see..." Magnus said, circling his finger on the cover of the bed, unknowingly, " My mom and I use to live in California, in the city of Orange County.When i was about 5 years old, my mom would tell me that i was special from other kids, you know... different. And then, at the age of 10, in 5th grade, i accidentally hurt this kid really bad. He was bullying other kids smaller than him and i couldn't take it and did stopped him. The school nurse told my mom that I had unbelievably broken the bully's rib cage, and the reason was, i was protecting myself and two other kids. However, my mom didn't let that sly. She told me, i needed to learn how to control my temper and so she sent me to my her fathers place, my grandpa. He was a master in all sorts of martial art discipline, and was very kind. He lived near by, so every weekend for 9 years i would spend my time at his place and train. My grandpa taught me everything he knew, from Muay Thai, Chinese Kempo, Ninjitsu, Military CQC, Jiu-Jitsu, and weapons training. was a lot of hard work, but all that help me keep a calm and clear mind when i was being pressured into a fight. However, soon i began to crave fights. To see how strong i was, and so thats where it all really started." Magnus looked out to the door.

"It was just a month ago, before i came here. I asked my mom and grandpa if it would be okay if i went to a mixed martial arts camp. This place was like a normal camping trip, but everyone trained in martial arts all day. Then at the end of summer, all the campers would all be in a camp tournament for a whole week. A lot of the other campers stayed away from me, i guess there were rumors that i was a bully and that i would beat them up if they got near me, i don't know, i guess i look like that kind of person." Magnus strayed...

"Well anyways, in my first fight, i went up against one of the top ranking fighters at camp. He was a black belt in kickboxing and grappling, and was real popular with the girls. During the match, he never laid a finger on me. He got frustrated and attacked me wildly. I easily took him down with a judo throw, but i think that's what set my scent out to the monster the came for me. After i threw him, all the campers heard a loud roar in the woods and loud foot steps rushing towards the camp. When IT came out of the woods, it was a Cyclope. Everyone in camp ran towards the cabins as the giant came rushing towards us, however something told me to stand my ground and fight. I guess that was my father telling me. The fight dragged on for a 10 minutes and then i used that move i did on your skeletal warriors while we were sparring, on the Cyclope and that ended it. After that, i contacted my mom and she rushed to come get me. We were driving here together, it was a safe and quiet trip. When we got to the strawberry fields, she told me to head for the hill where Thalias pine tree was and that i would be safe there. She said she'll contact me when she can, and drove off. And so.. here i am. haha sorry for such a long and boring story..." MAgnus said scratching his head, "So what about you? how did you get here?"

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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 12th 2010, 6:34 am

Makayla stayed silent as Magnus explained how he had ended up at camp, not interrupting. When he asked about her she paused first, wondering how much to tell him.
“I ran away from home when I was eight. I don’t really remember why, I think I was scared of something. I got caught though by the police, they put me in a foster home. I was going through different foster carers over two years, not staying with any very long, they were too happy, too excited and I wasn’t. So I ran away again, this time heading for the woods.” She glanced up at Magnus for a second, before staring back at her drink.

“I came out at night, to steal food and water and such. Most of the animals left me alone, and I knew how to take care of myself. I was there for about six months, there were quite a lot of monster attacks, but I fought them off, mostly without getting too injured. I got found by a Satyr, and he told me about camp. I really, really didn’t want to come. I liked been alone in the woods. But I had nowhere else to go, and i didn’t think I’d survive another attack. So I stayed at camp, training and hating the gods.” Makayla smiled a little, laughing slightly, it was a bitter laugh.

“I got claimed on my fourteenth birthday; Hades must have noticed my attitude, instead of praying to the gods whenever I left an offering at meal times I used to curse them. I resented them. I blamed them for my life been so screwed up.” She smiled again. “I was one of those rebellious kids...

“I visited him in the Underworld at times; I tried to get on with Persephone and Demeter, not that it worked. I went when I was 15 and I ended up with a quest of sorts...” She trailed off. She couldn’t say anything more than that on that particular subject.
“I became Immortal on my 16th birthday. Stuck at 16 forever....”
She let that sentence trail off again. She hated the reason why she had become immortal sometimes, hated that she couldn't tell anyone how much she hated what she had done, but she had sworn on the Styx, and that was an oath you couldn't break easilly.
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 16th 2010, 2:58 am

((sorry for the late reply))

Magnus can sense the sadness in Makayla's tone, even though she hid it with her smile. She seemed so distressed, so very upset. Magnus wanted to do something for her, something to get her mind off those stressful thoughts. Even though he knew that those thoughts are always going to be with her, he wanted to take her away from those things that made her sad, for just a long moment.

"16, i guess that has it's ups and down, "Magnus smiled as he patted Makayla shoulder, "It's good cause you're young forever, bad because you'll always be carded for buying beer and going to clubs, hah." Magnus said jokingly, hoping it would make her smile.

"Oh! Hey, wanna go fishing tomarrow at the lake?" Magnus asked excitedly.
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 17th 2010, 6:11 am

"16, i guess that has it's ups and down, It's good cause you're young forever, bad because you'll always be carded for buying beer and going to clubs, hah." Magnus said, patting Makaylas shoulder.
"Yeahh...Like I'm gonna be doing stuff like that..." She said smiling a little.

"Oh! Hey, wanna go fishing tomarrow at the lake?" He said, changing the subject, probably not on purpose.
"Errrmmmm....Thats not the best idea....Fish and water are kinda Posidions area...Just like the sky is Zeus'. I'd hate to think of what would happen if I went there...Actually i wouldn't hate to think of what would happen...that'd be the fun part...I'd hate to be there when whatever happened happened. Theres always other stuff to do in camp though...." Makayla said, thinking of other things that don't include water. Sparring again? No...that isn't a good idea...we'll probably take it too seriously again...Ermmmm.....An idea hit her and she smiled.
"How about we go into the woods and take on some're claimed now so your scent will be even clearer to them, and i'm a major god kid, which means we're more likely to attract quite a few monsters..."
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 20th 2010, 4:39 pm

"Errrmmmm....Thats not the best idea....Fish and water are kinda Posidions area...Just like the sky is Zeus'. I'd hate to think of what would happen if I went there...Actually i wouldn't hate to think of what would happen...that'd be the fun part...I'd hate to be there when whatever happened happened. Theres always other stuff to do in camp though...." Makayla said, "How about we go into the woods and take on some're claimed now so your scent will be even clearer to them, and i'm a major god kid, which means we're more likely to attract quite a few monsters..."
Magnus thought about going back into the woods and smiled.
"That would be fun, wouldn't it?" He said smiling, sipping his cup of soda. "You know what? We got ourselves a date tomorrow." Magnus said. Magnus stood up and looked down at Makayla, "Would you like me to escort you back to your cabin? I don't mind." Magnus said, hoping she wouldn't deny him.
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 22nd 2010, 3:37 pm

((Been busy with: A) college and B) I've been ill...))

"That would be fun, wouldn't it? You know what? We got ourselves a date tomorrow." Magnus said standing up and looking down on Makayla, "Would you like me to escort you back to your cabin? I don't mind." Makayla smiled just a little. It wasn't a wicked smile or a plotting smile, a nice normal smile...Again. "Errrmmm...Well...I was just gonna try and shadow travel back....But yeah...We can walk..." She said, standing up. She finished the rest of her soda, which was kinda nice after all, looked around the cabin for a bin, finding one she threw the cup in, then walked back towards the door.

((Sorry its so short and crappy...I have no muse, and i'm in the middle of doing coursework...XD I have to draw the Bohr models of 17 materials on the periodic table, label them, write the number of protons, neutrons and electrons, write the group number, the atomic number and the mass number, then write about it all, explaining the trends in physical and chemical properties in periods and groups...This has to be in tomorrow....I'M GONNA DIE!!! XD))
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2010, 12:53 am

((my goodness.... you have alot to do... you're in college? first year? O.O so much work! good luck!))

As the two of them walked out of the cabin, Magnus grabbed his jacket and wrapped it around Makayla, "Here, wear this, it looks like it's going to be chilly tonight."
When they got outside, he looked up at the moon. It was shining brightly down at the camp. It was dinner time, everyone was getting their food in silver plates and fighting over sitting areas around the camp fire. Everyone look like they were having fun, Magnus wondered if Makayla ever attended these dinners, or did she eat alone most of the time?
While walking with Makayla to her cabin, the night air was chilly and blowing mildly. Magnus looked at Makayla who looked so fragile and thin, "So what time do you usually go to sleep?" He asked her.
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2010, 2:58 pm

((I DID IT ALL!! XD I had finished it by 10:10 pm...XD))

Magnus put his jacket around Makayla’s shoulders saying, "Here, wear this, it looks like it's going to be chilly tonight." She smiled, blushed just a little and pulled it around her tightly as they got outside. It was cold compared to Magnus' cabin, but not overly freezing. She could tell that autumn was well on its way. The jacket smelt kinda nice.

"So what time do you usually go to sleep?" Magnus asked, breaking the slight silence that was in the cabin area, sing-along had started at the campfire, but it wasn't that loud.
"Ummm...I don't really know...late usually...It depends on when I get tired, or have nothing else to do..." Makayla said, smiling still. They were nearing her dark cabin now, and she nodded at it, "You wanna come in?...It’s only fair that I show you my cabin... It’s not all that creepy...well not to me..."
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 24th 2010, 9:40 pm

"So what time do you usually go to sleep?" Magnus asked.
"Ummm...I don't really know...late usually...It depends on when I get tired, or have nothing else to do..." Makayla said, smiling still. Magnus couldn't help smiling, she was just like him, maybe not in every single way, but through the little things.
"Interesting..." Magnus said looking at her for a quick second and then looking straight ahead of them again.
As they neared Makayla's cabin, she said, "You wanna come in?...It’s only fair that I show you my cabin... It’s not all that creepy...well not to me..."
Magnus looked at the Hades cabin and saw that there were no lights lit.
"Yeah, of course. It'll be a pleasure to see your cabin." Magnus said a stoutly, holding his chin up high and smiling, "Lead the way.' Magnus bowed courteously and let out a hand to guide the way.
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2010, 10:05 am

Makayla smiled and opened her cabins door, it was dark inside, ut her eyes adjusted quickly enough and she walked over to the small bedside lamp. She quicky flicked the switch, grimanced as her unmade bed came into view and then turned back to Magnus. "'s not that creepy...even if it was made by a bunch of dead dudes, well according to some people anyway. They say that Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades saved camp, and thats how Hades has a place here, he never used to..."

((Sorry its really short...I have to go walk my dog...))
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2010, 3:37 pm

((go walk your dog and come back safely, okay. =]))

Magnus watched Makayla quickly run over to turn on her bedside lamp. She then quickly turned around and said,"'s not that creepy...even if it was made by a bunch of dead dudes, well according to some people anyway. They say that Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades saved camp, and thats how Hades has a place here, he never used to..."

"Nico Di Angelo?" Magnus never heard of the name before, "Who's he? Can you tell me more?" Magnus sat on one of the beds, waiting to hear the story of Nico Di Angelo.
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2010, 3:54 pm

((XD Its bloody cold out there...I ended up staying out all afternoon XD))

"Nico Di Angelo? Who's he? Can you tell me more?" Magnus asked, sitting on one of the beds. Makayla smiled and sat back on her bed.
"Umm...I don't really know all that much about him..." she fiddled with the corner of her blanket, looking at it as she thought.
"He's one of my brothers, I know that. And He was friends with Percy Jackson. He was the second of two children that were kept in some hotel for years and never grew up. His sister, his full one, died. Ermm... He has a lot of power. I don't really know much other than that, and I've never met him." She shrugged and looked at Magnus. "I've been here for so long, yet I don't really know that much, its silly really, but its like talking about the past is a taboo, people just keep thinking about the future. Most of them are scared of dying, they do stupid things, make stupid lists and such, '99 things to do before I die' is a popular thing, half of the time its something on that list that gets them killed..." She trailed off, realising that she was rambling on about a load of rubbish. "Umm...So are there any known kids of Heracles you've heard of? Or is it just you?"
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2010, 5:55 pm

"Nico Di Angelo, your brother, how come you two have never met?" Magnus watched Makayla as she played with her blanket, "Talking about the past isn't always taboo... It helps you remember who we are, why we are here." Magnus said, realizing he might've said something out of line. "Sorry..." Magnus began twirling his finger on the bed sheets now too.
"Other children of Heracles? Hmm... if my Greek mythology is correct, the only children of my father were the ones he accidentally murdered. Also... i think it was said that Achilles was the son of Heracles, but i'm not sure." Magnus said, "Percy Jackson, he's one of the cabin leaders right? Maybe he knows where your brother is... let's go ask?"
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Magnus Valentine

Magnus Valentine

Posts : 128
Age : 33
Location : the river styx

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2010, 5:56 pm

((haha if it's cold stay inside, or wear a warm jacket =]))
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Posts : 278
Age : 30
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see me

A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitimeSeptember 26th 2010, 11:13 am

(( XD I did have a jacket on...but its not that thick...i don't wear thick ones...And I had to go out...I was practically forced...XD))

"Nico Di Angelo, your brother, how come you two have never met?" Magnus asked. "Talking about the past isn't always taboo... It helps you remember who we are, why we are here. Sorry..." Makayla smiled a little, but didn't say anthing.
"Other children of Heracles? Hmm... if my Greek mythology is correct, the only children of my father were the ones he accidentally murdered. Also... i think it was said that Achilles was the son of Heracles, but i'm not sure." Magnus said, "Percy Jackson, he's one of the cabin leaders right? Maybe he knows where your brother is... let's go ask?"
"Ermm...I don't think thats the best idea...and He's probably busy being a hero or something...Just leave it alone for now..." Makayla muttered.

"Ummm...Soo...Tomorrow," She started, changing the subject, "What time do you want to go at...It'll probably be more intresting at night time, but then again, it'll be more dangerous. Its up to you really...."
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PostSubject: Re: A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p)   A cabin to call home..(come Makayla! =p) Icon_minitime

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