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 Son of Hermes ((Open))

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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 29
Location : I'm not a GPS

Son of Hermes ((Open)) Empty
PostSubject: Son of Hermes ((Open))   Son of Hermes ((Open)) Icon_minitimeJuly 10th 2010, 3:03 pm

Theo sat on his bunk and sighed. He had been hoping for more.... For his claiming. He knew he made his father angry, but that was only expected. After eight (almost nine) years of waiting he finely got claimed only it was nothing like the rest. He had seen a few of his siblings claimed, where giants symbols appear and the whole camp can hear that that the kid was claimed by Hermes. Sighing when he told the kid in the Hermes cabin they just laughed and just assumed he was joking until Theo showed the the note that his 'father' had given him. And after the Hermes kids looked over the note they finely accepted the fact that Theo was there brother. Which was good, for Theo had known most of them from the time they had first stepped into camp.

He knew he was being childish about it, but what could you expect? He was still a child himself. He walked outside of the Hermes cabin and sat down on the steps of.... His cabin. He watched the rest of the campers. He had always been a good thief.. But never really HAD to steal, so he hadn't to much. He thought about trying his hand in the family business. He walked behind a group of teenage campers and when they got near the kid he saw as his target he tripped a kid. The kid fell into the target and Theo faked shock and went down to help. He went down to 'help' the two up, but only knocked more kids down. He slipped his hand into the pocket of the campers and pulled there wallets out, soon getting up and walking back quickly.

Once back to the Hermes cabin he was beaming with pride. He had forgotten how much of a thrill that came with stealing. Even little tiny operations like he had done. He smiled and sat on the side of the Hermes cabin, opening the wallets of the campers and pulling the cash out. In total he got fourth five bucks, and seventeen drachmas. It was okay for four wallets. He put the money into his own pocket, if anyone tired to steal that he would be able to tell... Or he thought so anyway. He sat back down on the steps looking for someone else to steal from.

Last edited by Theo Ashford on July 10th 2010, 10:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Son of Hermes ((Open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Son of Hermes ((Open))   Son of Hermes ((Open)) Icon_minitimeJuly 10th 2010, 6:32 pm

Hannah was making her way towards the Hermes cabin. It was always crowded in there and Hannah tried her best to stay OUT of the cabin. She didn't like it in there and she didn't like confined spaces. She felt sorry for any of the Hermes kids who have to stay in there. Their cabin being crowded with unclaimed kids and people being silly. Hannah imagined what it would be like and she would be annoyed by now with all the unclaimed and other Hermes kids. Hannah approached the door to cabin 11 and saw all the unclaimed kids and Hermes kids spread out across the room. Some on the floor, some Hermes kids stealing some unclaimed kids stuff. Hannah looked around and noticed someone standing in the cabin. Hannah smiled and decided to start up a conversation. Hannah approached the boy and smiled. "Hey I'm Hannah, I don't think I've seen you around much." Hannah stated.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 29
Location : I'm not a GPS

Son of Hermes ((Open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Son of Hermes ((Open))   Son of Hermes ((Open)) Icon_minitimeJuly 10th 2010, 9:21 pm

The son of Hermes saw a girl walk up. He had been sitting on the steps of his cabin but he walked over to great her. But she had already said something. "Well I have been living in the cabin for eight years now." He qucikly made sure that this girl wasn't one of the kid he had stolen form. She wasn't. Smiling he held our his hand, "well i'm Theo, Theo Ashford. Nice too meet you." He hadn't said, 'son of Hermes'. It.... it just didn't feel right. He knew he was but he still didn't think Hermes his father... he still thought the mortal he had been living with for years was his father. He had wrote a letter explaining everything to him.... he hoped he would understand... that Theo wasn't his true kid. He highly doubted that his father knew, which was kind of sad when you think about it.

Theo stood on his tip-toes to see over the girl as he saw that a kid had found out that his wallet was gone. The boy marched up to random people and started pointed and yelling. Theo couldn't help it... he feel over laughing. He was cluching his gut, though the boy didn't seem to notice it and kept yelling at random people. When Theo got a-hold of himself he pick himself off the ground and wipped a tear away from his eye. "Sorry.... but what were you saying?"
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Son of Hermes ((Open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Son of Hermes ((Open))   Son of Hermes ((Open)) Icon_minitimeJuly 11th 2010, 3:18 pm

Tessa wrung out her hair, she had went for a quick swim in the sound. she couldn't get used to how calm it was there, it was like another world compared to camp. She bent over and flipped her hair like a dog would if it was wet or irratated. She ran her fingers through her hair and put it up and a pony tail, her side bangs falling slightly into one gray eye. She looked around, the middle of the cabins was always hectic, someone was always out there doing something bad or funny, then a crowd would gather and so fourth. She turned around and began walking over to her current cabin, the Hermes Cabin. She turned around and saw a group of younger kids fall over a boy who was helping another one u, in one fluid moment his hand shot out. She blinked and he was walking away. she blinked several times and beganw walking, "You!" a boy screamed at her. she whipped around.
"What?" she asked with a sigh, they always blamed her, just because she was new.
"You stole my wallet." he schreeched.
"why would I steal it?" she asked crossing her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow.
"Ca-cause. you wanted money."
"Yes, cause i would steal your little tooth fairy money. When you find a better excuse come back." she snapped and walked away. she was about to go inside when she heard hysterical laughter. She peered out and saw a boy and a girl, the same boy that had been claimed by Hermes and had helped that same boy up. Now she wasn't stupid, she raised an eyebrow. "sucks for you. if you had been nicer you might've gotten your money back." she mumbled and sat down looking at the boy and girl, bored out of her mind.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 29
Location : I'm not a GPS

Son of Hermes ((Open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Son of Hermes ((Open))   Son of Hermes ((Open)) Icon_minitimeJuly 12th 2010, 10:34 pm

"Ya. You if you had given me up, I would have escaped and taken everything you owned." He had head her comment. "BUT anyway thanks for not ratting me out-" he held out his hand to shake, "I'm Theo Ashford. Nice to meet you miss?" He took out his wad of cash ad counted it agian. He picked up one of the nicer a walets and put the money into it. He flipped though what were in the walets, ID.. junk ID... another? ID, ID, ID. You losers get somehting else. ID junk... He threw the cards everytime he said junk. ID, crap. Credit card jun... wait i'm keeping that. He looked to the girl, "so whats your name? Or do just want me to call you miss all day."

((Sorry it sucks. My muse died )
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Son of Hermes ((Open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Son of Hermes ((Open))   Son of Hermes ((Open)) Icon_minitimeJuly 16th 2010, 4:02 pm

She watched the boy come over, she looked up her blue-gray gaze bright.
"Ya. You if you had given me up, I would have escaped and taken everything you owned." She gave him a little half and stood up, brushing off her tan legs.
"No problem, he was a brat. I don't want to help him at all." she said looking at the boy. He stuck out his hand and introduced himself.
"I'm Theo Ashford. Nice to meet you miss?" She raised her eyebrows in surprise. A gentleman. She thought. She shook his hand and gave him a tad bigger smile. "Tessa hawk." she replied looking around. "Is it always like this?" she asked looking around, the boy that had accused him was now beet red in the face, screaming at a poor little girl. "One sec," she dismissed herself walking over to him. She grabbed his shoulder and gave him a quick jerk so he faced her. "You need to shut up, stop accusing that little girl." she growled her voice low, her electric blue gaze was now an intiminating stormy gray. "You probably dropped it, so get a life and pick on someone with your own size. Now go look in the forest." she whispered harshly in his ear. She crouched down to be eye level with the sniffling little girl. its all right honey, he was just being a little twit." the little girl looked up her brown eyes sad,, she cracked a sweet little smile. "Don't wory, why don't you go to hang out with pegasus. if he ever picks on you again come over to me, okay." the little girl nodded her head and ran off to the stables. Tess smiled and stood up, she walked back over. "Sorry 'bout that. I hate it when people are mean to little kids." she mumbled blushing hotly.

((Sorry, it's a little random my muse is gone))
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PostSubject: Re: Son of Hermes ((Open))   Son of Hermes ((Open)) Icon_minitime

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