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 Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))

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3 posters
Jeni Carter

Jeni Carter

Posts : 708
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler'll be the face in the window, you see. Look down, an you should see me under the glass panel in the floor.

Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Empty
PostSubject: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2010, 10:09 am

Jeni walked to the Hermes cabin, Luke in tow, buzzing from all the excitement of what she was about to do. Man…I wonder what people’s reaction will be when I tell someone… she sniggered and pushed some hair out of her face. She stopped at the door and turned to Luke. “Yea, you go in first.” She said motioning to the door. “I don’t like cramped spaces, or crowds, so I defiantly DON’T like this place. And I’m nervous; I don’t think that many people in there really like me all that well…” she stepped out of the way, giving Luke a little shove to the door. I hate this part . . . she thought. Why couldn’t Zeus have claimed somewhere crowded? That would have been SO much easier.
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Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2010, 10:28 am

Luke knew the feeling. He hated cramped spaces as well. He prefered been out in the open. That plane had over had been hell.... the turbulence hadn't helped either.

Rolling his eyes and sighing, Luke opened the door and walked into the Hermes cabin, looking around to make sure no one tried to sneak up on him and steal something. Not that he had anything to steal. the only thing of value on him was the ring his dad had given him when he had claimed Luke.

"Come on Jeni. We need to get your stuff." He said, loudly. Anyone listening would figure out that Jeni had been claimed. They might not have been children of Athena (although some of them could have been), but the kids in the cabin weren't exactly stupid either. Stupid half bloods didn't tend to live for very long.
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Jeni Carter

Jeni Carter

Posts : 708
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler'll be the face in the window, you see. Look down, an you should see me under the glass panel in the floor.

Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2010, 10:41 am

Jeni followed Luke into the cabin, staying only a step or two behind him. She shuddered, and walked over to the corner that she had called home for the past few weeks. inhaler refill…check. Brush…have it. Clothes, yep. Mom’s picture...yea. all this and the rest of her belongings, except the picture, she put in her duffle; the picture she pocketed. She walked back over to Luke, carrying the duffle, looking down. “Yeah, I got everything. Can we go now? I hate it in here…” she said, scratching the back of her neck. I hate it in here…It’s too cramped. It’s too small. There are too many people. And people try to steal my stuff. “I just want to head to the Zeus Cabin and get away from everyone trying to steal my stuff.” She said a little louder.
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Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2010, 11:00 am

Luke grinned. It seemed Jeni knew how to play this game.

Bogies, it had been called back in England. Luke remembered playing it when he had been around 10 years old. You said bogie, and the person playing with you had to say it just a little louder. Sooner or later, you ended up shouting it. Luke remembered the older kids, who would have been the age he was now, playing it too. But the word hadn't been 'bogies', it had been something a little... fouler. It had been fun then, but now it seemed like a silly little game. However, here in the Hermes cabin, it might be a little silly, but it was also a bit fun. Plus, it was a chance to goad the Hermes kids, to dare them to do something that would only end up backfiring on them.

"Yeah, lets go before someone steals your stuff. Although, it would be shocking for someone to try to steal from the daughter of Zeus. I doubt anyone would dare to anyway."

Of course, just as he was enjoying himself, part of Luke was screaming. It wanted out of there, out in the open. Like the sea - no land for miles around, no people to make you feel cramped. Just the wide open sea.
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Jeni Carter

Jeni Carter

Posts : 708
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler'll be the face in the window, you see. Look down, an you should see me under the glass panel in the floor.

Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitimeApril 25th 2010, 11:16 am

Jeni smiled as she noticed heads turning. “Yea, I pity the person who would want to steal from a child of Zeus, but you never know. Someone might want to give it a whirl.” She looked around and nearly everyone had stopped what they were doing, either in shock or interest, they were listening to Luke and Jeni’s somewhat loud conversation. Not that it bothered Jeni at all. Though there was a part of her that wanted out of there. It was cramped, and the realization that nearly everyone in the cabin was staring at her made her nervous. She wanted out of there, and she wanted it now. “So, I guess we should go head to the cabin now, don’t you think?” she asked Luke, her voice a tiniest louder.
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Alyson Queen

Alyson Queen

Posts : 88
Location : Terabithia

Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitimeMay 2nd 2010, 7:10 pm

Alyson looked around. So, this was were she would be forced to live for now. Aly thought it looked really cool, but it still didn't feel like home. Alyson guessed she would never find a place that ever would remind her of home again. She brushed her hair out of her face and started walking towards the Hermes cabin. She had been told to stay there until she was claimed by a god or goddess. Alyson didn't care though. It felt just like an orphanage again. People stole from each other, cramped together in a small place, yet acted like family until they were adopted and taken away. Here, it was the same, except they would be claimed and move to a different cabin. She could still see them, but it wouldn't be the same. Alyson didn't show these emotions though. Instead, she was smiling, ready to meet new people.

Soon, Alyson arrived at the door and flung it open, not concerned that she was she new kid or anything. She skipped in and saw two people talking rather loudly. They were older than her, but who wasn't? Pretty much everyone she saw was a teenager! Alyson shrugged and walked over to the two.

"Hi there! My name's Alyson, who are you guys?" Alyson smiled. Her hands were clenchened together, making sure not to show the scars on her arms. She knew now that everyone here probably had a scar or something, but she hated sympathy and knew that she would get a lot since she was so little. Alyson's eyes watched the boy and girl carefully, studying them like she had her adoptive families. It was a habit that grew on her rather quickly. Both seemed rather agitated being in the crowded room. "You don't have to talk to me if you want. You both look like you want to get out of here." Aly smiled and stepped to the side a little, motioning to the door. She didn't care if they stayed to talk or not. For her, life just played its own way out.
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Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2010, 12:25 pm


Demeter looked down from Olympus at her daughter, stuck in that horrible Hermes cabin. The kids in there could be horrible - and some of them didn't even eat cereal!

She appeared in camp, walking barefooted on the grass until she reached the Hermes cabin, where her daughter was stood inside the door, along with a Poseidon kid and a Zeus kid. Not that she paid much attention to her nephew and niece - she had a daughter to claim, after all.

"Alyson!" she said, looking at her daughter. "I thought it would be a few more years before you came here... Ok, I won't beat around the bush. I'm Demeter. Your my daughter."

As Demeter said this, her sign appeared over Alyson's head. As well as this, Demeter held out a hand and a sword appeared in it. It was of medium length, quite thin, well balanced, and razor sharp.

"Normally, I don't like violence. But seeing as you have monsters chasing you around because of you my daughter, I thought you'd need to defend yourself. And one last gift...." Waving her hand, the scars on Aly's arms disappeared, to never come back and trouble her daughter again. "Now you can get out of here and into a more homely cabin. Remember to eat lots of cereal!"
Giving her daughter a hug, Demeter stepped back.

"And now I'm off home - I need to keep an eye on Persephone and the gardens of the world. Goodbye, my daughter. Maybe I'll see you soon."

With this, she faded away. leaving a smell of fresh flowers behind her. She had claimed her daughter, and that was good for today. The gardens needed seeing to.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2010, 1:10 pm

Alex was walking toward the Hermes Cabin when a goddess came out of nowhere. A girl had just been claimed. Bloody hell why cant i get claimed am I freaking stupid or what. He grabbed his arrow and threw it at the ground. He had friends mom sword dagger bow and arrows but no dad or mom.

((XD sorry for the spam.))
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Alyson Queen

Alyson Queen

Posts : 88
Location : Terabithia

Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2010, 1:47 pm

Alyson watched the older kids for a second when suddenly a lady walked into the cabin. The first thing Alyson noted was the smell fresh flowers. Alyson smiled at the smell, noting it was like the woman whom Alyson had loved so much. Alyson snapped out of her thoughts when the new lady spoke her name. Alyson immeditaly grew suspicious. She hadn't told the lady her name. Though, what was next blew Alyson's mind.

"I'm Demeter. Your my daughter." Alyson's eyes widened in shock. Wait...what just happened? Alyson looked up at the symbol above her then back at the woman-Demeter. When Alyson looked back at Demeter, a sword had appeared out of no where. Alyson looked at Demeter then back at the sword, taking it's handle. Its weight was perfect for Alyson. She grinned at it then looked confusingly at Demeter. Suddenly, Alyson's arms started to get a weird feeling along the scars. Alyson placed the sword down and pulled up her sleeves....THE SCARS WERE GONE! Alyson was taken aback. How did they just dissappear?!

Demeter...her mom...pulled her into a hug then back away. Alyson felt her anger rise a little. So, she came then left? THAT WAS IT?! Alyson smiled though at the smell of the flowers. Okay, so Demeter was her mother but she wasn't sticking around. Now that Alyson thought about, that was probably the best set up for her. Have a mom that doesn't do anything. Sounds like heaven on Earth. Alyson picked up the sword and studied it, forgetting about the other kid who just came in and the two that she had been talking to earlier.
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Jeni Carter

Jeni Carter

Posts : 708
Age : 28
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler'll be the face in the window, you see. Look down, an you should see me under the glass panel in the floor.

Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2010, 2:43 pm

Jeni stared at the sight before her. Demeter showed up and claimed Alyson! It was pretty funny to…before she left, she reminded Alyson to eat plenty to cereal. Hilarious. But better than that, Alyson was claimed! And she got an awesome sword! She gave Alyson a huge hug. “Oh my gods! That’s sooo awesome! Now you don’t even have to stay here! How awesome it that!?!” Jeni figured that she was getting some looks from the other kids in the cabin, but she honestly didn’t care. It was so awesome! “Oh my gods! Can I help you get settled in at the Demeter cabin!?! Please! Please! PLEASE!!!!”
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2010, 8:18 pm

Alex walked in. He was claimed by Ares so he packed up. He put his jeans hoodies T-Shirts and all his other stuff. Alex grabbed his sword that was sheathed and put it in his sports bag then grabbed his bow and arrows and put it in his bag.

He walked out and looked at the Hermes Cabin One more time and then he left.

((Sorry for short post,))
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PostSubject: Re: Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open))   Bye Hermes Cabin... ((PG-13, open)) Icon_minitime

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