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 Hanging out with a really cool person ((Hannah PG-13))

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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

Hanging out with a really cool person ((Hannah PG-13)) Empty
PostSubject: Hanging out with a really cool person ((Hannah PG-13))   Hanging out with a really cool person ((Hannah PG-13)) Icon_minitimeAugust 2nd 2010, 7:30 am

Alex walked into the Ares cabin. He sat on the couch and watched MTV. The song California Gurls By Katy Perry came on. He saw the Video.

"What the hell does this have to do with California."

Well Alex sat on his bed and played some Halo 3 on the Xbox.

He stopped and layed down for a nap. Woke up about 3 hours later and felt wozzy. So he got a water bottle out off his bag. He drank it and waited for something to happen.

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Hanging out with a really cool person ((Hannah PG-13)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hanging out with a really cool person ((Hannah PG-13))   Hanging out with a really cool person ((Hannah PG-13)) Icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2010, 8:15 am

Hannah made her way to the Ares cabin to visit Alex.
She was kicking stones and pebles along the way and came to a stop outside the cabin.
She looked towards the top of the doorway and saw the horrible boar's head with a spear throught it. What a horrible sight. She thought as she knocked on the door.
She didn't wait for an answer so she let herself in. She looked around the room. It was very messy and had cans everywhere. They need cleaners. She thought as she saw the very person she wanted to see. She crept up behind him and put her hands over his eyes.
"Guess who?" She asked as she giggled to herself and let her hands slip away. She hugged him and pecked his cheek.
"Hey Alex what have you been up to then?"
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Hanging out with a really cool person ((Hannah PG-13))
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