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 Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))

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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 11:14 pm

Skyler had stopped at the Hermes cabin, cabin eleven, and set her stuff down on her reserved bunk, that she had saved from last year, decorated with her stuff so know one take it from her, and use it as their own. Oh, how much she despised the Hermes children, not that she had anything against the god himself. Just that his kids, oh, the nerves of those guys, stealing things from her, always getting in trouble. So annoying. She desperately prayed, and hoped. Hoped and Prayed, that was not her father.

Anyways, she pulled her hair back with a black elastic band, and flicked her bangs out of her dark blue eyes, and ran her fingers over her golden bracelet and sighed. Mother? Father? who ever you are, please claim me soon.. I want to know everything, about you, about where i came from, about myself! Please claim me soon! she thought to herself as she approached The center of The Cabins, it was like a full rectangle now, since a few years back when they had begun construction for new cabins. She watched a small looking girl tend the flames in the hearth. She had flame like eyes, and Sky instantly knew that was Hestia, She smiled and waved at her. She sighed, completely lost in her own wonderland of thoughts, that she hardly heard the footsteps from behind her.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 28
Location : I'm not a GPS

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 11:36 pm

Theo layed in his bunk. It was the same one he had slept in five years ago. The inicials T. A. were scarthed onto the railing. He had his headset around his neck playing Frank Sinatra 'come fly with me', that man was insane. He was more musical than any Apollo kid, and more of a genius than evrey Athen kid combined. Theo nodded to the rhythem, and knowing the lyrics so well he started mouthing along to the words. He was wearing his bathing suit after he had taken a morning swim around the sound, he didn't feel like chainging. He also had his camp neckless around his neck, it had three beads one for each year he had been at camp.

He walked out of the Hermes cabin with his soccor ball. He was a HUGE soccor fan. Even now at camp he was still keeping up with the world cup. America had made it out of there group! Which was -to Theo- alittle surrpsing seeing how the refs just hate them. As he dribbiled the ball back anf forth between his feet he noticed a girl was right infront of him. "Hey move i..." he ran right into the girl. Theo hit the ground and skidded a bit. After getting up he ran to the crash victim. "I'm sorry here" he held his hand out to help whoever up. It was his fault that she had takin a face plant, so he wasn't going to be a judgemental silent jerk.... yet anyway. It will depend to how she responded.
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 11:42 pm

Skyler had just been standing there, when she heard tlaking behind her then, she was lnches from the ground, "Hey Watch it!" She growled and sat up on her knees, She looked up just as The boy extended his hand out to her, She took it and stood up, Dusting her self are. "Let me Guess. Soccer Fan?" She asked and rolled her eyes, "That's cool, I am one myself, I like many sports, Played a couple myself, a few years back." She said and shrugged, calming down a bit. "Sorry I uh.. snapped, a moment ago. I blame the whole Adhd Mood swing thing." She laughed lightly and rolled her eyes once more. "So Anyways, I'm Skyler Harley. You are?" She finished dusting her arms off, and flicked her bangs out of her dark blue eyes. While she waited for a reply.

((Sorry its so short haha! Im working on length xD ))
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 28
Location : I'm not a GPS

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 23rd 2010, 11:50 pm

Theo was glad when she didn't go blazitic. Though she said' watch it' that had been it. He helped her up and said, "ya!" He went over to the soccor ball, he snaked his foot under the ball and kicked it up a few times. Soon he kicked the ball up and caught it. He looked back to the girl. "So have you been keeping up with the wolrd cup?" He than smiled and said, "nah it's okay. I was just hoping you would snap and go blaiztic. Sorry for knocking you down again." Theo tossed the bal into the air and started boucing it off his head, "i'm Theo.... Theo Ashford." He was glad the girl hadn't added 'unclaimed' at the end of her name. Theo always hated it when people did stuff like that... shoot off there tittle like someone accttually cared... even alittle! It really got annoying to Theo. "So Skylar what wew you doing (planing to do) before you were so rudly interupted?"
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 9:29 am

"Well Nice to meet you Theo. And Actually no, unfortunately I have only seen bits of the world cup. Haven't been around T.V. or had much time..." She said watching him bounce the soccer ball around, kick it and such. "I wasn't exactly planning to do Anything, I just Arrived at Camp a few minutes ago. Haven't planned much Yet. And you?" She asked, Twirling a strand of hair around her finger, absent minded, like she normally did when she was bored, or whatever. So far, apparently two people in one day have noticed her instead of the usual of being ignored She hoped it would stay that way, Though she certainly didn't want to become the center of attention, or the big popular crazy people etc. etc. She preferred to be some what unknown.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 28
Location : I'm not a GPS

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 10:05 am

Theo sighed, "oh well. I've been near the T.V. quite a bit, you just have to pay a few Hermes kids and you get it for awhile. Oh the American team made it out of there group! I wouldn't have thought they would seeing how the refs just hate them." He smile and coutinused to bounce the ball off his head. He than looked at her with confusion but after a second it passed, "so you have been here before than? Your not just returning just as I did?" It kinda made since seeing that she knew evreything about the gods and didn't seemed weirded out. He sighed and let the ball hall to his waist before catching it. "I've been at camp for three year.... I came here eight years ago. I left after... never mind" He hadn't said, 'after three years of not being claimed. "I came when I was seven and left when I was around nine. I've only retruned this month I think. So i'm trying to find some of my friends to no avail."
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 11:56 am

Skyler nodded, "Thats.. Cool i guess ." She laughed, "I have been here for a year only, Came here last summer. Though I've known about half-bloods and all for a few years.. " She said and shrugged. "So, you do any other sports?" Sky asked at Random. Running out of much other conversation. "I used to play Softball and Soccer. and a bit of tennis. I didn't like tennis at All though. Ugh." She said and rolled her eyes. She noticed him looking at her weird. COnfused? "What..?" She said and raised her eyebrow, frowning.

((Sorry its so short haha! ))
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 28
Location : I'm not a GPS

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 12:21 pm

He shook his head, "it's nothing." He nodded to what she said, "that usual for a kid to know about what they are before making it to camp. My dad had run into a half-blood fighting who knows, and when I started to cry saying 'one eye' the kid came over to us. He told my dad of camp and what I was, cause my supposed mother forgot to mention that I was going to be hunted for my whole life. He took me here latter that month." Theo sighed looking at his soccor ball the idea of being a Soccor star playing in the world cup flashed in his mind. his one true dream was to be that. To score and play on the Amreica's national team later on in his life. With his Adhd he didn't tire quickly running up and down the feild. "So what do you want to do after you get out of camp? Like profession?" He was curiois as to what his new friend wanted to be.
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 12:32 pm

Skyler nodded and listened as Theo went on. she stopped to think, when he asked her what she wanted to be, "Maybe a guitarist? or an artist? I'm still not 100% positive on what I want quite yet." She was interested in many things but very few ever caught her eye, Something she would get stuck on. She loved music and art, Her two favorite things, but she also liked sports, and such. "Well the way you found out what you were, and the way you got here, Is much better than the way I did. Terrifying.." She shuddered, refusing to think that far back, to reply those memories, sometimes she even had a few nightmares from what she had come across on the way here, Things she had yet to tell anybody. And she refused to anyway. Not wanting to relive that, though she sometimes feared she had to. She glanced over at cabin eleven, The Hermes cabin, She sighed. Wondering when she'd finally get out of that horrid nightmare.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 28
Location : I'm not a GPS

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 1:36 pm

Theo nodded, "that pretty cool there." Than is begged the question, "hey what kinda of music do you listne to?" Theo personily hated Rap and country and most of nowadays pop. He liked Rock! Skillet, Rise Against, Three days grace, AC/DC, linkin Park ect.... ect.... But he couldn't stand pop, rap or country. Rap was just pointless mumbling that talked about breaking laws and being poser gangsters. Than country was just depressing or just so boring it puts you to sleep. Pop was just as bad as rap, in Theo's oppion. He looked to Skyler, "it was better than most. As a kid I was able to take in evreything with ease. As a kid your mind is open to evreything so when my father explained it it was like 'really thats awesoem' though than I didn't understand evreything. "So how did you get here?" Theo's time back in the real world was less than peacefull almost evrey week he spoted something from the corner of his eye that looked like a monster, and evrey month he had to camo out in the woods behind his house and hunted the monsters that stalked it just waiting to attack Theo when he was asleep. But the worse was when he was with his family for he couldn't protect them all, that he learned form his scars. His hand shot up to the three brutle scars that plagues his face. Always carring the lessons with him, 'never to act in the mind set he had or bad things will occur.' It had been a simpile drive back from the pool at night when they were hit from the right. A hell hound had barrled though smashing ito there car. Theo only has his knife with him at the time and he had been half asleep. There his step-brother had been struck down before Theo was able to get evreyone out of there. When it had first showed Theo had tried to fight it as cocky as he used to be. But after his brother was hit he got evreyoine OUT!
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 1:43 pm

Skyler shrugged, "I like rock, And a few pop bands, Not so much country, I mean Taylor swift is Ok, but still." She said, "But All in All Rock is my favorite, Maybe Pop-Rock?" She said and shrugged. But then He hit her with another question. "Well Do you wanna here about How I got here? Or the whole story?" She said and rolled her eyes, "Well, When my Father died when I was two I was adopted into a large Foster home, which I ran away from, after they told me I was a Half-blood. It's not that They didn't like me or anything, I just couldn't Handle it. So I ran when i was eight. And eventually i ran into another Half blood, and a satyr. They helped us get from Tennessee to Here, Lots of monsters, lots of near death experiences. The whole lot. Need I say more." She said, Really not wanting to go into all the detail, the whole story etc. I wasn't something she was comfortable sharing.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 28
Location : I'm not a GPS

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 2:29 pm

Theo nodded, "way cool. So who are your favorite singers/bands?" He looked to Skyler, "do you remeber the half-bloods name?" Theo start building up the hope that it could have nee Tom or Sally. Both were Theo's closet friend when he had been at camp as a seven yearold. But they were no longer at the camp, Tom had been a son of hephy while Sally was a daghter of Apollo. All had arived at camp around the same time and spent a year in the Hermes cabin before Tom was claimed, than it was two months later Sally had been claied. Though Theo said he was happy they were claimed he was also sad. At that point he had been eight and his hopes for being claimed weren't tottlay destoryed. Unlike today. "So have you gotten a weapon? Do you always keep one with you or did you leaves yours at camp?" Theo himself had a golden trident, than had a pistion in it, so when Theo clikcked a hidden botton the trident's staff would shoot out making it 6 feet tall. Usually it was 1 foot tall but after clicking the button it became a long ranged weapon.
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 2:41 pm

"My favorite band? Hmm Im not sure I like quite a lot, I like Fall out boy? Aren't they like a pop rock cross over or something. Same as All American Rejects and Green day." She said. "Um I don't exactly remember his name. Something like uhmmm Scotty! He died a few years back." She said and frowned. "And I have a dagger, named Skia, It means Shadow in Greek. I hardly use it. I find Bows and arrows of more use." She said and shrugged, "A cleaner, quicker shot, unlike the bloody mess daggers and swords create. In m,y opinion any way." She said

((Sorry its so short haha!))
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 28
Location : I'm not a GPS

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 4:01 pm

Theo put his hand in the air parrelle to the ground and made it do 90 degre turns one way than the other. "Green day was more of a Rock band, back int eh 90s when they starts. Now they kinda suck though. Fall out boy is okay, but All American reject -in my oppion. no offence- stink." He thought about all the bands he liked. He thn sighed and his shoulder slumped as she said it was nither Tom nor Sally. "Again too no avail" he muttered. than he chuckled "acctually shadow in greek is 'σκιώδεις' not Skia. There is no translation for eaither langue for Skia." He was pretty good with greek, it was one of the first thing he did when arriving at camp. He thought if maybe if he showed that he could do something his parent would claim him. And a seven year old with ADHD trying to study a whole new laungue is not easy. "Bows are good. I suspect you use a comazition bow? Not a traditional long bow?" A long bow took 185 pound of force to pull it back, and he highly doubted this girl could ahieve that and aim properly. A compizition bow only took about 20 pounds of force to pull it back so he thought that she would be using that.
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Skyler E. Harley

Skyler E. Harley

Posts : 316
Age : 27
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, I'll be the face in the window, you see.

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 4:23 pm

((I looked it up on google, and thats who its spelled with out doing the fancy greek letters haha ^-^ ))

"Yea Green day isn't so good anymore, I like there older songs though. And yea, I don't use a Traditional Bow. Well I wouldn't if I had one." She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Actually I haven't taken Greek language lessons yet. I probably should, I only know a few words in Greek though so yea..." She laughed again. She kicked up some loose dirt with her foot, Her hands behind her in her pack pockets. "So, Anyways. I probably should go Tell Chiron and Mr. D I arrived at Camp and all the Crap. Maybe we Can hang out later.." She asked looking down at the ground. "Or something..?"
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 28
Location : I'm not a GPS

Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 4:43 pm

Theo smiled, "ya I know what you mean. Did you see the 21 guns music video? That was way stupid. I mean the music is all peacfull the the walls explode with bullets flying in." He shook his head no understand what the concept of that was. "I use a trditinal bow. They may be alot harder to pull back but being able to aim and the fact the speed is almost doubled makes up for it." He than nodded towards the big house, "ya Mr. D should be there. I would't advise heading into the lions den, if you know what I mean..... but I guess sometime you must. Well see you." He smiled, "ya we should defiently meet up later Skylar!"
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PostSubject: Re: Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))   Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..)) Icon_minitime

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Pushing On.. hardly ((Open after Theo..))
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