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 Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))

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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

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Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Empty
PostSubject: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 6:40 pm

Elizabeth ran out of her cabin in her black bathing suit ready to go swimming. The only place she didn't bring her water bottle was Long Island Sound. "Woohoo!" She loved that place manley because of the water. She was of corse holding her black beach towl in her right hand and her gogles in left. She climbed up a tree and climbed down the tree on the other side. She made her way to the beach in 10 minutes. She loved swimming after dark when no one goes to the beach or any where but are still awake. She bared her feet and then ran to the ocean. She couldn't dive in and that sucked but she could still get her hair wet and swim.

She did an under water hand stand witch were incredubly easy and a front flip. She then heard foot steps. "Oh, crud."
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 7:07 pm

Theo layed on his back looking to the sky, his headset was still aorund his neck. It was waterproof so he was able to still have it. He was floating on his back... thinking. His mind now was on his friends, Tom and Sally. Both had been there when he had been at camp, and the two where his best friends. If only I knew where they were. Memmorys driffted in and out of his mind, like snipits of movies. For in the memmorys he wasn't looking though his eyes, he was only a third person spectator. His mind settled on one memory and played it.

Nine year old Theo ran along the shore followed by his friends Tom and Sally. All were laughing and soaking wet. Theo ran along and grapped a water bucket and chased the other two threating to splash them with the water. After a hour of running around, all three layed on the beach and basked in the suns' light. Looking up at the sky they picked out shapes that the clouds formed. They stayed out there for hours untill the moon was high above there heads. At that point the ran back to the cabins before the harpys were let out.

Theo closed his eyes, he let his body flaot to the rhyme of the waves. After hours when he reopened his eyes the sun was no longer up, or even setting. It was nigth the moon was above his head now. Sighing he stoof up the water going to his neck and marched back to camp. With him he had his trident and after pushing the button that relised the piston that pushed down making his trident grow in lenght. It was now six feet tall, where it used to be one. He marched out of the water with his trident just waiting for a harpy to fly by. As he did he heard, 'oh crud'. Theo knew the voice it was.......... the Ares girl. Elizabeth. "Hello" he called out uncertainly, he didn't want to yell out Elizabeth just incase it wasn't her. Theo had no intention of playing the fool, so he kept silent after the 'hello'.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
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Location : In your bath tub :)

Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 24th 2010, 9:33 pm

"Uh, hi." Elizabeth turned around and saw Theo. "Oh, hi Theo I didn't see you there I didn't even know you were here." She was happy it was someone she knew and she knew a lot of people but not many have seen her in her bathing suit. "What are you doing here at this time, when everyone is in their cabins messing with each other. She swam to the surface.

She wrapped her towel around herself like girly girls do but she didn't mean to do it like that. "I didn't expect anyone to be out here."
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 8:02 am

"Uh, hi." Theo turned to see it had been Elizabeth. He smiled, than shook himself knocking off the water oin his back. "Oh, hi Theo I didn't see you there I didn't even know you were here." Theo nodded, "i've been here for quite sometie accutally. Twelve hours if i'm close." He had come out at 10 am and than started floating. His I-pod rang out with What i've done by Linkin Park. This song reminded Theo of the Harry Potter book, the last one. He had been listing to this as he had read it, evreytime he heard this he thought of the first chapter. He never would have -not in a million years- been able to predict what the out come was.

He still thought it was good, but the middle was slightly boring with them just running around euopre. "I didn't expect anyone to be out here." "I didn't expect to be out here myself. I just fell asleep out there" he pointed out to the Ocean, "and awoke here." Theo still held his golden trident with him, the fear of harpys never left his mind. His knuckles turned white when his grip tightened as time went on. "What are you doing out here!? With the Harpys flying about ready to kill a camper on sight for not being asleep!?" his voice was but a whisper but it cut though the night's silence like a knife.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 10:47 am

"I have been out here before at midnight and plus I am an Ares kid it just ends up like that." Elizabeth grabbed her sword out of her sword thing that holds it. "And I have my sword everytime I go out at night, so I am as safe as a Half Blood can get in here." She put her sword back down and went back to the ocean because her hair was drying. "And plus no one is even asleep right now so the Harpys shouldn't even be out right now."

Elizabeth was just hoping that a hellhound wouldn't attack again.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 11:36 am

Theo shook his head. "No they are released at midnight, and no you couldn't fight them off. They are crafty deamons, they fly though the air unseen. Only showing themselfs right before they kill!" Theo had lost a friend to the deamons. "I have been out here before at midnight and plus I am an Ares kid it just ends up like that." He was about to go off again when she said, "And I have my sword everytime I go out at night, so I am as safe as a Half Blood can get in here." "You couldn't beat a harpy on your best day, let alone in there tearrotory at night! The greatest heros on the oddosey couldn't defeat them and half there men were lost to hades." Theo shook his head, "I rather you were one of them. I know I can survie an incouter with harpys for I have several times since I have been back, but you couldn't stand a minute." He clenched his teeth midnight was approaching, "I can't protect us both. So I would recomanend leaving. Along the beach is the safest way to camp." This seemed all to fimiralr to Theo, only the roles were switched. His friend Trey, -now deceaced- was telling Theo they had to go in fear of the Harpys. While Theo stayed saying he could take them. An eight year old trying to take the monsters, it would make Theo laugh if the outcome of the monsters incounter hadn't been to devastating. They had run down the beach near the camp before the harpys flew down. Within ten minutes Theo was being dragged by Trey who was also desperestly fighting off the deamons. What happened next was to hard for Theo to remeber. "We need to go now!"
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 12:01 pm

"Huh, fine if it would make you happy." Elizabeth picked up her sword holder thing and started to walk along th beach. Theo sounded really serous so she just did it. She took off her goggles and put them in her towel. "Are you coming this way or not?"

Elizabeth put on her sandels and started to walk. She was happy he didn't want her to get hurt, but she didn't want to leave. He would probably scream at her if she didn't leave so she left.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 12:43 pm

He was glad she finnly decided to get up and go before something got the chance to get them both. As they marched he couldn't help but think that he may have forgoten something. Theo held his trident at his side. His headset no longer playing music. He shearched the skys trying to find a shape. They were almost halfway there when a teroble screach shot though the air. The cry of a harpy was supposed to deafin an opponent, he had forgoten about this. He couldn't hear for a few moments, "Elizabeth draw your weapon you will need it shortly." He never spead up, he kept on to the rhyme he had been marching before. That was when he saw the first shape fly though the night heading right for them.

((sory my muse has died.))
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 1:02 pm

"Great, well this should be fun." Elizabeth drew her weapon like he told her to do. "Uh now this is not what I expected." She really wasn't in the mood to fight but if it would save her life then she would. She wished it was day so she wouldn't be fighting these stupid things. She was happy she didn't bring her water bottle so it wouldn't get in the way. She dropped her towel to the ground and thought 'great I'm in a bathing suit and about to fight harpys, just purfict.

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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
Age : 28
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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 1:50 pm

Theo's happy careless slef/mood was gone replaced by a stricter more comanding one. With is trident he stabbed into the nights sky at the flying harpy as it dove for him. Something cryed out by Theo, and gloden ichor hit the sand beside him. "I only just hit one, these things are faster than I thought.!" The air was filled with the sound of wings, you couldn't see tham but maybe he could hear them. He closed his eyes, when doing so his ears would compensate for the lack of a sence.

He tought he heard a swooping sound, he slamed his weapon in that direction. Nothing! But he couldn't have sworn that it may have brushed aginst something. Readying himself he heard the swooping sound once more, instead of trying to hit that he aimred father and speared infront of it. It defently hit something, he heard a cry and heard the ichor hit the sea. But still not a kill, he was so distracted he hadn't heard another swooping sound and somehting had smash into his back.

Flying though the air he hit the sand with a thud. He didn't care his his eyes were open he started spining on the sand trying to get out of that one spot. Theo was less than a foot away before he heard somehting smash into the ground, and dust hit him in the face. As he rolled something hard -he felt- was under him. He picked it up too see it was his trident. Picking it up he did as he had before and closeing his eyes. He kept up with stabing into the dark, only ever so often hitting something. All the while being knocked around like a rag doll. "Elizabeth how are you holding up!" He had no idea, he couldn't see her, he hoped that she wasn't deadright as he called that something really sharp smashed into his back, "ahhhhhhhhh" he cried out in pain. The harpys talons were sharp he thought.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 2:07 pm

"Uh I am fighting something I can't see how do you think!" Elizabeth heard several wings around her and didn't know what to do. She threw dher sword at what she thought was one and it stood in mid air like the harpy was holding it. Then her sword was come strait to her face. She hit the sand and saw her sword fly behind her. "What the heck." She saw that the sword was coming straight for Theo now.

"Theo watch out or duck or do somithing that involves moving." Then she felt a pain in her side, she thought of this as a chance to actually hit it. She grabbed a nife that some how appeared in her pocket. She reached out untill she could feel something with the nife and cut all way through. She felt a drop and she went with it because of the claw in her side.

"I think I just slit its throte." She had killed one and didn't even know so she went after the one that was attacking Theo.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 3:08 pm

Theo fell to the ground, what ever had hit him was in his back. He gripped the blade, his finger bleeding form the sharp touch. He pulled the blade out, it had gone two inches into his back. He threw the sword down, tears were in his eyes form the pain. He threw the sword in the air where something was moving, obliviosly not hiting anything. Theo took out some ambasoira and ate it, it numbed the pain but didn't make it leave. He jumped up and saw his targets, highlighted in the moon. He picked up his trident -fueled by hateded and pain- he threw as hard and as fast as he could at the three remaining. The trident flew though the air and smashed into two of them, the left prong cutting the wing of the third. When they hit the ground a exploian of golden dust went evreywhere.

Theo fell to the ground his legs giving way, his head hit the ground. He saw the the sand around him was spalshed with blood, most probally for hs back wound. Theo didn't have anymore god food, he only hoped Elizabeth did as he saw her running towards his direction. He knew he wasn't going to die, the postiontion of the stab was not near naything vitial. But if something wasn't done the next few weeks were going to be horrible, not to mention that somehting permenitaely might be damagened. Like his legs, he knew that the stab had nicked his back bone. It wouldn't kill, but weather that paralyed him of no was a different story.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 3:27 pm

Elizabeth saw Theo laying on the ground with blood all around him. "THEO!" She reached in her pocket and took out the two ambasoiras that have been stabbed at severul times. "Theo eat this." She handed him the ambasiora and she took hers too. "Are you okay, Theo."

"Do you think you can make it back to camp? We need to get you help now."
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 4:33 pm

Theo shakily reached for the ambasoira and nibbled on it. The pain only numbing, not healing. But as he started to nibble on it the wound in his back stoped bleeding. He pulled the nector cantena off it's clip on his belt. He drank half before he flet well enough to speak, "no." He stoped drinking midway when he started to fell his body grow hot. He knew if a half-blood drank to much his bones would to turn to ashes and his blood would set on fire. He pointed to his trident some way away "could you get that?" Once having his trident back he limbed on his way. Handing the cantena to Elizabeth he said, "don't pour this on your head, it's nector."
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
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Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 4:45 pm

Elizabeth ran to get his trident. "Huh I know what it is thank you very much." She took the contaner from him and waterfalled a little, she wasn't as baddly hurt as him. "I don't think I can carey you all the way back." She took out her emergancey cell phone to call one of her brothers or sisters.

Elizabeth put the lid on the contaner and started to dile.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 5:04 pm

Theo saw the cell phone and ripped it out of her hand. Throwing it to the groud he smashed it with his trident. Again and again until it was destoryed. "Never have a cell phone. Evreytime you text or talk it's like sending a giant sign up 'pleas come eat me someone!' Never use one." Theo used his trident as a crutch. "It's okay I can take care of my self." Theo had been for years so he knew how to compensate. He just put his amr carfully between one of the gaps of the trident and put his wight on that, he was now able to fall/limp back to camp.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 5:16 pm

"You don't think I know that it was the only thing I had but now that I know that you can walk, sorta then I don't need it." She was happy that he could kinda walk back to camp. "Look I am sorry this is all my falt this never would have happened if I haven't come." She felt gilty for all of this. Now she just wanted to get back to her cabin.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 5:31 pm

Theo looked at her, "sorry but if another monster shows up were dead. I can't fend for my self and you couldn't protect us both while trying to kill it." He continued limping, flinching from pain ever so often. "Do you know a Apollo kid here? I need help now" his voice strained. He was in pain like never before, it was like his back was exploding. his legs were fine but he need help, "it isn't your fault. The harpy just grabed your sword, that it. But we need to find a Apollo kid now" his voice filled with angoney as he droped to the floor.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 5:49 pm

"Yea I know one, but why does it have to be an Apollo kid?" She flinched as soon as he hit the floor." See if I had my phone I could call for help. See I knew you couldn't alwase take care of your self. So how am I going to get her I just can't leave you here."

Elizabeth wanted to glote but it wasn't the time. "So how are you planning on get contact with her. I can't call her through a drachma we don't have a mist."
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 6:14 pm

Theo layed on his back for a second, than rolled over onto his stomach "ahhhehh." This was nuts, "it has to be an Apollo kid for there master healers. Even ones just being claimed." He used his trident to pull himself up again, his wound didn't feel as bad. A sign that eather shock or the nector were kicking in. "Like I said the cell phone owuld bring monster that would kill us." Theo sat down unable to go futher, he ripped off his shirt and poured the rest of the nector onto it. Than too his knife out -which was always tired to his right leg- and cut his shirt into stripis. He had several copys of the asme shirt. with the shirts he tied make shift bandages around his back where the stab had been.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
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Location : In your bath tub :)

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 8:16 pm

"Well looks like you can walk sorta again so lets go." She was happy to help but it looked like he didn't need her help so she just walked along beside him just in case. If he was fine and wasn't limping she would be at her cabin right now. "So Theo how did you get to camp or am I crossing bounderes?" She was kinda having fun watching him walk but she wasn't going to tell him that.
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Nicko Rider

Nicko Rider

Posts : 140
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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 25th 2010, 8:31 pm

Theo continued to limp ever so often stoping to catch his breath. He knew he couldn't die form this simple engery but some part of him wished for just the oppoisite, 'let the pain go away' it said. He looked to Elizabeth, "you could stop stareing, also I took the Grey sisters Taxi, after the attack I made my way on foot a few states up and got in range of the three." He stoped again, his back feeling like it was on fire "the stupid nector isn't helping." He knew Elizabeth didn't understand the full brunt of what she had done. Well her sword anyway. Theo lied saying he would be fine....... but what scared him was that.. he had no idea if he was going to be fine or not. He was sweating for the pure exagurtion he was giving to stay standing, he felt like 50,000,000 pounds were pushing down onto his shoulders. Grunting he took a few more shaky steps, his breaths coming in at rapid gasps. Theo cringed as it felt like somehting had hit him int he back agian, he than felt his knees buckle and he fell face first into the sand.

"I hate this." Theo clenched his teeth, he picked up his cantena and drnk the little that was left. He got up not feeling beter but feeling numb the pain still hitting him. He kept quite and still onlu his arm on the trident and his legs moving. His teeth were clenched his eye locked forward. "So how did you get to camp?" He kept moving eye forward he just asked the question, cuase of him it would take awhile to get to camp.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2010, 1:26 pm

"I got here by one of those satyr kids it was really weird I didn't even know that they existed. We had a tone of monsters on owr trail huh, no dip but all we could do was run and run untill we past out." Elizabeth wished that she had her water bottle because her hair was drying. "And when I got there I didn't get a greating, exept for Laura in the armory and we never spoke again. By any chance do you have a water bottle?" She felt kinda stupid asking an ingured dude if he had a water bottle.
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PostSubject: Re: Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open))   Having fun under the moon ((Theo posts first then open)) Icon_minitime

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