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 A New Cabin

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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2010, 7:27 pm

Elizabeth was all ready to meet everyone in the Ares cabin... at least she thought she was."Gods! Why can't I do this part of me is saying go in but part of me is saying don't go they are gonna kill you." "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I CAN'T MAKE UP MY MIND!".She quickly covered her mouth hoping no one heard her. Her heart felt like it was getting torn in two.

She opened the door saw a kid who looked like she could rip a phone book in two and stepped in side. Her face went from scared to pure confedense."Hey I'm the new kid." Her poney tail fell from her hair. She picked it up off the ground and put it back in her hair.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2010, 8:27 pm

He walked and saw Elizabeth. "Wow hey Elizabeth am your brother now." Alex said. Alex grabbed his sports bag and walked past the boy. And the room looked like it was an armory. There were axes on each face of the walls. There were only eight campers in there and twelve bed so he took a bed close to the windows. The place was huge. Alex took his bag and oppened it and an Xbox 360 some paddles and games came out. (Alex is not a theif but it was in his house before he ran away and yeah you comes next)He set it up on a TV and pluged it in and also plugged Direct TV cable in it and put the remolte on the couch. "You guys like" He said to his brothers and sisters.

He saw a cabinet it was said that it was for the gifts Ares gave to his childern and he grabbed a sword with a black leather sheath and a shield with the Ares sign on it. So his weapons in his bag and he put it under his bed.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2010, 10:00 pm

Elizabeth looked in astonishment at her new bother. “Wow that thing is freaking awesome.” She snatched one controller and started to play his game. She wished she had one at her house when her dad was alive. She didn’t know how to play his game but she didn’t care it was awesome. “Where did you get this?”

She thought it was so cool that a guy that would in here would actually talk to her, the others would just tease her for not being a good sword fighter. “So Alex when did you get claimed by the great god Ares?” She was starting to get the hang of his game. She never heard of this game but she didn’t care. “This game is so awesome; the other guys are too scared to talk out their games…wimps.” They all stared at her.

(( not you alex that that would be puppet mastering and the others don’t really existed on thalia’s pine tree.))
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2010, 10:19 pm

((I know))

"Well that game is Call Of Duty Mordern Warfare 2" Alex said looking at his knew sword and shield then he put them on the bed and started playing with one "I also got Halo 3 odst, NBA 2k10, Split Second, Tom Clancy Splinter cell, The Matrix Path of Neo, Prince Of Persia sand of time, and the God of War" Alex said. "Got it from my house" Alex said. There were four extra desks and he grabbed his Dell Laptop and put it on the desk "Here I'm gonna download some apps to program games on to the Xbox. And I got another game too well on my laptop its called the Matrix online. He was happy in his cabin. Although when would his dad ever accept him when would he make friend and when would they Cancel that Dead end show Hannah Montna.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2010, 9:19 am

Elizabeth got bored with his games so she put in halo 3. She had played this game at her friend Dave’s house. She played it all the time. “You want to play and watch me pulverize you.” She made a smirk on her face. She sat on her bed to grab her wireless control she brought here but never got to use it.

She thought her bed was more comfy then the stiff couch. “I have another one if you want it, they are so cool.” She knew she could beat him well probably. He looked like he knew his games and she did too. This was her favorite game in the entire world.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2010, 9:34 am

"Ya you wish" Alex said. He picked up a controler and starded playing. Once they got on the map Alex got in a ghost and ran over Elizabeth. "I dear It appears I've just beaten you" Alex said

Nobody ever beat him on that game. But he stopped and popped in some tunes in the stereo his computer had. Every time I look in the mirror all these lines on my face gettin clearer the past is goneeeeeeeeee it went by like dusk to dawn isnt that the way evreybodys got do their lifes of payyyyy
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2010, 10:17 am

When he went to turn the tunes on she shot his dude again and again till he went boom. “You really shouldn’t turn your back when the game is still going.” She had a smirk on her happy face. She was too happy when she killed him. “Think again nimrod.” She paused the game. Then started it again so she could keep killing him.

She enjoyed killing him. “Ha ha you should get back her so you don’t die too much.” She smiled she was having too much fun. She wanted to know what he didn’t have. She was so happy she couldn’t stop smiling.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2010, 12:32 pm

"Ya play while im gone" Alex said. He popped out Halo 3 then put in NBA 2k10. "Ya come on Kobe never fail me" Alex said. He picked the Lakers Vs Boston. Alex kept on making threes dunks and packing people.

"I would like to see you beat me in this game Lizzie" Alex said trying to make fun of her. Then Alex stopped and grabbed his guitar. Alex hit a sick power chord. Then he jumped up on a table "Who thinks am crazy" Alex yelled. Alot of his brothers and Sisters raised their hands. Alex knew if his older sister Clarisse was he she would kill him. "Well too bad cuz I already know" He told them. He slid on the table. "Yeah". Alex said.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2010, 1:22 pm

Elizabeth shot 7 baskets and then 7 more. “What are you doing. You have no brain do you?” He was crazy no one here would ever do that. “Alex, are you insane no one here wouldn’t do that, they are too scared.” She liked how wield he was just not in a weird way. “I wouldn’t be talking my old friend had all these games and I beat him at all of them.”

She smiled in a devise way because she knew he couldn’t beat her. She pulled out her bag and pulled out her game boy and started to play naruto. It was boring but it was the only game she had besides her barby game but that game was stupid. She also pulled out her jurky stick.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2010, 5:23 pm

((.... Dont know wha to say.))
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2010, 5:24 pm

((ys i know cuz your mad at me right))
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2010, 5:25 pm

((Ill go to your thing in the center of the Cabins))
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2010, 11:52 pm

((This is after all that stuff that happened today.))

Alex was more tired then usual. He sheathed his new sword and watch/shield took it off. "Man Im going to bed" Alex said. He saw two of his sisters fighting over who would use the hair dryer. He saw one of his brother watching soap operas "Huh wow." Alex said. He also saw a Latino bay messing with his stuff. "Get out of my stuff dude" Alex said. They guy got up with his old sword. "These are mine now" he said. "You wish" Alex said. Alex tapped on his watch shield and attacked the guy unsheathing his sword he went for him. Alex jumped up in the air. The guy took his sword out and attacked him were Alex had deflected it with his shield and kicked him in the stomach. Alex took his sword back.
Tapped on his watch and put it in the desk.

Alex had his armor next to his bed next thing in the morning he would round up one of his brothers or sisters and practice duel with them. Alex looked in his desk. There was shoes it said RBK and he oppened them and then winged black reebocks were there. Earlier he stole those shoes from an Hermes kid.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2010, 9:43 am

Elizabeth walked into the Ares cabin from the showers. She was happy she brought her close to the shower insted of just a towl, because there were her brothers and sisters back from the fire. She could see the girlest kids in the cabin were fighting over a hair dryer again. Elizabeth liked getting her hair wet, and hated it when it dryed. Alex was fighting with a dude. He must have touched his stuff.

Elizabeth smirked and thought she shouldn't step in. She did anyway though. "STOP." and tryed to gab both there swords before they killed her. She smiled seeing Alex's angry face. "Alex, what happened, did he touch you stuff again." She new this was the first time that Alex saw him touching his stuff, but she has seen him do it before. "Alright give it to me, and I mean the wepons." The other guy gave her the wepons because she knew that she scared him.

"Now Alex give me yours, too." Elizabeth was smiling on the inside because she was on a roll.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2010, 11:34 am

((The fight ended before you came))

Alex was tired. "You know what am gonna just go to bed." he told Elizabeth. He looked at the girls fighting over the hair dryer. Alex walked over to them. "Stop it!" Alex said. They quckly stopped. They probally lisented to Alex because Clarisse wasnt here so Alex was the head Counselor in the Ares cabin.

He sat down on the couch and started watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. "Go Rapahel." Alex said. He picked up the winged shoes from the box. And started flying in the room. He was in the air and a bunch of his brothers looked at him "Oh dude I wanna try" one of his brothers said. "Wait you guys we should raid the Hermes cabin tonight at midnight" Alex said. "YEA" His brothers yelled. "WERE ARE WE GOING" Alex yelled. "HERMES CABIN" His brothers yelled. "WHY ARE WE GOING" Alex yelled louder. "TO RAID THEM AND GET FLYING SHOES" his sisters started saying. "WHEN ARE WE GOING" Alex said. "MIDNIGHT" everyone in the cabin said.

"Alright everyone get your stuff" Alex said. "Hey you" He pointed toward his sister. "Get five cartons of milk and eggs." Alex said. "Yo dude crank up the tunes." His brother told him. Alex turned up the stereo. The song 'California Girls' by Katy Perry came on everybody started dancing. Alex then sang "California girs were unforgetable. Daisy Dukes bikinis on top. California girl we are on top. California girl were unimaginable Oh Oa oh." Alex sang. "Lets get em" Alex yelled. He was having so much fun.

((Not you Elizabeth that would be god modding))
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2010, 11:52 am

Elizabeth liked the idea of raiding there privisy. She thought Alex was a doof singing California girls. She didn't feel like dancing so she just ran and got the eggs and milk from the Big House. When she came back one of the girls came up to drink the milk and spit it right back out. "Oh ya don't drink the milk it's lumpy." She smiled at her brothers and sisters. the girls gaged but the boys looked like they were going to have a good time.
((not you))

"I also got some syrup and shaving cream plus a bucket of feathers.You wouldn't beleave what they store at the Big House."
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2010, 12:42 pm

"Cool Lizzie" Alex said. The clock was three minutess from midnight. "Everybody ready." Alex said. "Ya!" His brothers said excitedly. "This is the plan. We get Aphroitde girls. They sudice the boys to come outside and we need Apollo boys. So we can just run in tale the shoes and go out the window." Alex told them "And before we leave we trash the cabin."

"Alright lets go." Alex said.

((Ill start a thread in the Hermes Cabin))
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2010, 7:12 pm

When they got back to their cabin there was the little boy. "Hey if you leave I'll give you a candy bar." Then the boy left. Girls if you find chunky milk grose then leave." the girls left. "So since we have these cloes we need their last pares of close and I hope you know what that means. It will be really hard thats why we need the hephusunts kids to build a mustion to do what we don't want to do that would just be creepy and grose.

"Is everyone with me?" Elizabeth ran off to go get the Hephusunts kids. They said yes and started to work on the thing. She didn't know how they could do it but they could. All the boys screamed ya ((not you)).

Last edited by Elizabeth Dalai on June 10th 2010, 11:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 10:06 am

Alex sat down on the couch satisfied. It was his birthday today. So he just had been eating cupcakes from the fridge. "HEY EVERYBODY I HAVE AN ANOUNCMENT" Alex said flying with his flying shoes. "TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY" Alex said. "YAH!!!" His brothers yelled then picked him up. "AM KING OF THIS CABIN BABY" Alex said.
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 11:40 am

Elizabeth was happy that it was his b-day but anoyed that he wasn't lissening to the plan. she went to get the other carton of soyuled milk to dump it on his head. "Were you even lissening? But since it is your b-day you get to add something speshail to the plan that only you get to do." She was hopping that would get him to lissen.

"Now will you lissen?" Elizabeth knew he was crazy but not enophe to talk in the middle of the plan unlese it is about the plan. She smiled she had a speshail suprize for him. It was going to be his best b-day ever. She went back to talking about the plan to invade the Hermes cabin again.
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 12:18 pm

"No Lizzie we invade no one we will get the Hermes Cabun later." Alex said then he heard a chariot outside being raced. It was an Ares chariot being rid by a hermes kid. "This means wars guys we have to get our Chariot back" Alex said.
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Laura Arai
Laura Arai

Posts : 879
Age : 28
Location : Under your bed (:

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 12:57 pm

((Hey if the Hermes kids had stolen the Ares Chariot you wouldn't be able to hear it from the Ares Cabin. Well and right now we don't even have a chariot area XP so . . . .))
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Alex Jones

Alex Jones

Posts : 320
Age : 29
Location : Laura's under your bed, Caleb's in it, Roxxy's next to it, Chris is in your closet, and if you look outta the corner of your eye you'll see Makayla. Look up to the ceiling, and you'll see luke sitting on it. and if you turn around, Skyler will be the face in you window, and if you look to your door I'll be in there standing in the doorway.

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 1:00 pm

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Laura Arai
Laura Arai

Posts : 879
Age : 28
Location : Under your bed (:

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 1:34 pm

((It's totally fine, don't worry XP))
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Elizabeth Dalai

Elizabeth Dalai

Posts : 422
Age : 25
Location : In your bath tub :)

A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitimeJune 10th 2010, 2:35 pm

((so I'm just going to ignore that part okay?))

"I know later tomarrow night." Elizabeth knew every step of the plan and when they were going to envade. she smiled at his stupidity. "Look it is just not the right time and I know that and you know that but the Hermes cabin wont know what hit them so we need to stalk up on all the supplize we can get and put what is unnessesarey to good use." right now they needed more planing to be done because some parts of her plan had gaps. They were going to have so much fun with out the girlest girls there to ruen the plan.

"I need some one to go and get as maney razers as you can." They had all tonight and tomarrow morning and afternoon. She was ready to have another raid.
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A New Cabin Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Cabin   A New Cabin Icon_minitime

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